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词汇 adventurous
例句 I wish that Sinclair had been a bit more adventurous.要是辛克莱更敢作敢为一点就好了。The island attracts adventurous travelers.这个岛吸引了爱冒险的旅行者。After a long and adventurous life, he ended up dying in his bed.经历了漫长而惊险的一生,他最后寿终正寝。Her design is an adventurous departure from what we usually see.她的设计与我们通常看到的大不相同。Are you cautious and reserved, or adventurous and uninhibited?你是谨慎寡言的人,还是敢作敢为、放任不羁的人?He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics.他一直想到热带地区过冒险的生活。He is an adventurous cook who is always trying new recipes.他是个敢于创新的厨师,总是尝试新的烹饪方法。Warren was an adventurous businessman.沃伦是个敢于冒险的商人。Andy isn't a very adventurous cook.安迪不是一个很大胆创新的厨师。Le Corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures.勒科巴西尔是当代最敢于创新的建筑师,他总是在探索新的形式与结构。He's not very adventurous when it comes to food.在吃的问题上他就没那么愿意冒风险了。Like his famous namesake, young Washington had a brave, adventurous spirit.像和他同名的那位名人一样,小华盛顿具备勇敢、冒险的精神。We are the adventurous ones and they are too proper.我们是喜欢冒险的人,而他们太循规蹈矩了。The higher slopes are for the more adventurous skier.较高的斜坡是供更爱冒险的滑雪者使用的。They have an adventurous lifestyle.他们的生活充满惊险和刺激。He was a man of decisive action and an adventurous disposition.他是一个行动果断、乐于冒险的人。I am a very active and adventurous individual who will try anything once.我是个积极进取又爱冒险的人,任何事都要试一试。She was a lively and adventurous girl - not one for a quiet life.她是个充满活力、喜欢冒险的女孩—是不会甘于过平静的生活的。The restaurant offers an adventurous menu.这家餐馆的菜单很新奇。The menu was far more adventurous last year.去年的菜单更有新意。She was naturally adventurous and loved the wild landscape of Colombia with all its beauty and danger.她天生爱冒险,非常喜欢哥伦比亚既绮丽又险峻的天然景致。He's much more adventurous than his younger brother.他比他弟弟更爱冒险。Spencer had drawn up a very adventurous programme for the festival.斯潘塞为节日制订了一份大胆新奇的计划。She has an adventurous/competitive streak in her.她有几分冒险/竞争精神。The menu could have been more adventurous.菜单本可以做得更有新意。She led an adventurous life.她的一生充满冒险刺激。John is an adventurous man, unafraid of risks.约翰是个喜欢冒险的人,不怕危险。I was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.我很羡慕他们敢于冒险的生活方式。I'm trying to be more adventurous with my cooking.我正努力在烹饪方面有所创新。This isn't highfalutin art-about-art. It's marvellous and adventurous stuff.这不是一件纯粹为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是进行了大胆创新的非凡作品。I'm not very adventurous when it comes to trying new food.说到尝试新食物,我不怎么有冒险精神。




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