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词汇 advancing
例句 They were advancing due west into the desert.他们向正西方向行进,进入沙漠地带。The advancing troops recoiled before the counterattack.挺进的部队遭到反击后退了。Her forgetfulness is due to advancing age.她由于年事已高而变得健忘。The rebels were put to flight by the advancing army.军队步步逼近使造反者溃逃。Barricades were erected against the advancing government troops and they were manned throughout the night.设置路障以阻挡政府军的前进,并且整夜有人看管。The advancing army put the rebels to flight.不断推进的军队使叛军溃退。I've softened somewhat in my advancing age.随着年龄的增长,我稍微温和了些。An army in retreat can be even more dangerous than one that is advancing.溃退之军甚至比挺进之军更为可怕。The people were at the mercy of the advancing army. = The army advanced, and the people were at their mercy. 对于攻上来的敌军,人们无能为力。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队那时正向前挺进攻打一处山脊。A cold belly of fog was advancing down the highway.寒雾的前锋正沿着公路向前侵袭。Their children are advancing toward maturity.他们的孩子正在走向成熟。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队正在向前挺进攻打山脊。The advancing army met with little resistance.向前推进的军队没遇到什么抵抗。A huge truck was advancing towards us, its headlights blazing.一辆大卡车打着刺眼的前灯朝我们直冲过来。Research is critical to advancing medical science.科研对于推进医学发展至关重要。Despite quickly advancing medical technology, the pace of change in her field remained slow and steady.尽管医疗技术发展迅速,她所在领域的变革速度却依然缓慢而稳健。These measures are intended to keep landlords from advancing rents unfairly.这些举措旨在防止房东不合理地抬高房租。Soldiers were advancing on us from all points of the compass.士兵们从四面八方向我们逼近。He moved towards her as though he was advancing on a dangerous animal.他向她靠近时就好像在逼近一头危险的野兽。The city fell to the advancing Russian armies.那座城市被挺进的俄军攻陷。The soldiers fled before the advancing enemy and let the devil take the hindmost.士兵们在进逼的敌军面前纷纷逃窜,听任后面的人遭殃。Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing.我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。Computer technology is advancing very rapidly.计算机技术进步很快。As the army retreated, the people were left to the mercies of the advancing enemy.由于军队撤退了,老百姓对进攻的敌人无力抵抗。The army was advancing to meet the enemy.部队正在向前挺进与敌军交战。The police had already erected crash barriers to hold back the advancing crowds.警方已经竖起防撞护栏,阻挡人群前进。When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时,就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.炮塔旋转着,最后炮口瞄准了正在前进的士兵。Troops are advancing on the capital.部队正在向首都进逼。He only recently stopped working, due to his advancing years.他直到最近才因年事已高停止工作。The company tries to keep up with advancing technology.公司努力跟上迅速发展的技术。Blake had grown much quieter – another sign of his advancing years.布莱克话比过去少多了 — 这是年纪大的又一个迹象。Allied troops were advancing on the capital.联军部队正向首都推进。Enemy soldiers are advancing on the city. 敌军正在逼近这座城市。He was advancing his own interests at the expense of his friend's.他不惜牺牲朋友的利益为自己谋取利益。Loss of memory is often a sign of advancing age.失忆常常是年老的征兆。Rebels have so far offered little opposition to advancing troops.叛军对前进的军队至今没有进行什么抵抗。The troops were slowly advancing through the fields using night-vision goggles.凭借着夜视镜,士兵们在田野里慢慢向前移动。Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.来自乍得的报告显示叛军正向首都推进。




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