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词汇 barking
例句 The dog was barking furiously at a cat.那条狗冲着一只猫狂吠。The dog was barking its fool head off.那条狗傻乎乎地叫个不停。Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.瑞士的科学家们意识到,其他研究者大多搞错了研究方向。The watchdog scared away the thief by barking.看门狗大声吠叫吓走了窃贼。That dog of theirs is always barking.他们的狗总是在狂吠。What a barking mad idea!这个想法太疯狂了!If he thinks he can fool me, he is barking up the wrong tree.假使他以为能愚弄我,那他就认错人了。She thinks it'll solve the problem, but I think she's barking up the wrong tree.她认为这能解决问题,可我觉得她找错了门。The sounds of barking dogs and sirens added to the cacophony on the streets.狗叫声和警备声让街上更加嘈杂。The neighbours have been onto me again about the dogs barking.邻居们又向我抱怨狗叫的事。The dog's barking raised the alarm.犬吠声引起了人们的注意。Then there was a woman's voice, rising shrilly above the barking.接着,一个女人的尖厉声音盖过了犬吠声。The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation.警方调查这起凶杀案找错方向,枉费了三个月的精力。I wish that dog would stop barking.我希望那只狗别叫了。He started barking orders at me.他开始对我大声发号施令。He'd get me barking trees with an axe.他会让我用斧子剥树皮。The dog circled him, barking.那条狗绕着他狂吠。They were irritated by the sound of the dog barking.他们被狗的吠叫声搞得很心烦。Scientists realized that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.科学家们意识到,其他多数研究人员都搞错了研究方向。She must have been barking mad to lend him so much money.借给他那么多钱,她一定是疯了。It was hard to enjoy the music because I could hear a dog barking in the background.因为有狗叫的干扰声,我很难欣赏这个音乐。As soon as she came into sight, the dog started barking.她刚一出现,狗就叫开了。They heard a dog barking outside.他们听见外面有狗叫声。Outside, a dog was barking.外面有条狗在叫。The dog was barking and growling at me until its owner called it off.那条狗对着我狂吠,直到主人喊它才安静下来。There was a dog barking outside the house.一条狗在屋外叫。She started on about this dog barking in the street.她开始抱怨这条狗在街上叫。The dog suddenly woke up and started barking.那条狗突然惊醒,狂吠起来。The dog's barking grew frantic as I approached.我走近的时候,那狗吠得更急了。The barking dogs quieted when they recognized me.认出我来后,那些吠叫的狗安静了下来。I heard dogs barking distantly in the hills.我听见了远处山里的狗吠声。As they approached the porch, a barking dog charged out.他们走近门廊时,一条狗狂吠着冲了出来。The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs.十来只狗的叫声在走廊里回响。The director sat in his chair barking instructions at the cast.导演坐在椅子里对着演员大声发出指令。We could hear dogs barking in the distance.我们可以听到远处的狗叫声。She claims that researchers are barking up the wrong tree by focusing on conventional forms of treatment for the disease.她声称,研究人员将注意力集中在这种病的常规疗法上是犯了方向性错误。The captain was barking out orders to the crew.船长正厉声向船员下达指令。Mother took hold of the barking dogs by their collars.母亲拉住了那几只吠叫的狗的项圈。Her dogs were barking and yelping.她的那些狗在高声狂吠。I may be barking up the wrong tree in that neck of the woods.我在那一带也许白费精力。




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