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词汇 refuge
例句 The cave provided refuge from the storm.山洞遮蔽了暴风雨。Where can we find refuge from the storm?我们可以到哪里去避避暴风雨呢?He told his wife to seek refuge at a convent.他嘱咐妻子去修道院寻求避难。To avoid an argument, he sought refuge in silence.他以沉默来回避争论。Accused of incompetence, he took refuge in lying.因被人指责不称职,他便以谎言掩饰错误。They sought refuge in Canada.他们在加拿大寻求避难。They took refuge in a bomb shelter.他们在防空洞中避难。Father Rowan took refuge in silence.罗恩神父以沉默来逃避。Hundreds of dissidents are seeking refuge/asylum in the US embassy.数百名持不同政见者到美国大使馆寻求庇护。His home became a place of refuge for the believers.他的家成了信徒们的避难之处。As the buildings rocked under heavy shell-fire, he took refuge in the cellars.当楼房在猛烈的炮火中颤动时,他躲进了地下室。They took refuge in the embassy.他们在大使馆里避难。The retired doctor found a refuge in music.这位退休医生在音乐中寻得了慰藉。She took refuge in the library, where she could read to her heart's content.她躲在图书馆里,在那里她可以尽情地看书。The shelter is a refuge for abused women.这个收容站是受虐待妇女的避难处。His final refuge was a web of lies and deceit.他的最后一招就是编造一大篇谎言,蓄意欺骗。We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。Most aborigines took refuge in the barren outback.大部分土著居民避居于土地贫瘠的内陆地区。During the flooding, people took refuge in the hills.洪灾期间,人们躲进山里避难。They were hoping to find a safe refuge for the night.他们希望找个安全的地方过夜。He sought refuge in silence.他以沉默来逃避。I ran into the refuge of the crowd.我奔进人群以求庇护。Many editors and journalists seek refuge in silence or sycophancy.许多编辑和记者或保持沉默或阿谀奉承以求自保。He took refuge in God's omnipotence.他求助于上帝的万能。They took refuge in the fortress.他们在堡垒中避难。It's a refuge for ski bunnies who want to rest their weary legs.这里能使滑雪爱好者疲惫的双腿得到休息。They sought refuge in the mountains.他们去山里避难。In the storm we took refuge under a big tree.在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在一棵大树下。Thousands of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.成千上万的人穿过边境寻求庇护,以躲避战争。Everyone supported the park's designation as a wildlife refuge.大家都赞成将那个公园定为野生动物保护区。They found refuge from the bright sun.他们找到了遮挡刺眼阳光的地方。We took refuge in a nearby barn during the storm. = We found refuge from the storm in a nearby barn.风暴来袭时,我们在附近一个谷仓里躲避。Peru offered refuge to officers who had taken part in the abortive coup.秘鲁为参与流产政变的官员提供避难。They were seeking refuge. = They were seeking a place of refuge. 他们那时在寻求庇护。The area is a refuge for wildlife.这个地区是野生动物保护区。For many centuries the mountain had afforded refuge to struggling farmers.好几个世纪以来这座大山向拼搏不止的农民们提供了庇护的去处。He found a refuge in literature.他在文学中寻得了慰藉。During the war, she gave refuge and arms to local resistance groups.战争期间,她向当地的抵抗组织提供武器和避难所。The park has been designated as a wildlife refuge.这个公园被定为野生动物保护区。There was no refuge from the storm.这场风暴无处可躲。




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