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词汇 putting
例句 The whisky and wine were putting some needed stuffing into me.威士忌和葡萄酒使我渐渐有了一些所需要的力气。However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.然而,很多顾客觉得该产品有一股异味,非常难闻。They caught him red-handed while he was putting the ring in his pocket.当他正把戒指往口袋里放时,他们逮他个正著。We could carry that one step further by taking the same genes and putting them into another crop.我们可以再进一步,把相同的基因取出来植入另一种作物。I'm not putting up with this penny-pinching attitude any longer.我再也不能忍受这种吝啬的态度了。The rollback of reform is putting off private western investors.改革的倒退让西方的私人投资者十分反感。Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.抗议者们在许多主要的十字路口设置了路障。The council is responsible for putting grit on icy roads.政务委员会负责在结冰的道路上铺撒沙粒。I prefer films that have been dubbed into English. Subtitles are so off-putting.我宁愿看译制成英文的电影,字幕真叫人烦。If an ambulance crew goes on strike, it is putting people's lives at risk.假如救护车工作人员罢工,那就是把病人的生命置于危险境地。He's putting a sticking plaster on the wound.他正在往伤口处贴创可贴。Isn't there anything else to watch? This movie's putting me to sleep.没别的东西好看了吗?这影片简直让我打瞌睡。Did he happen to mention putting you in his will?他可曾说起把你写进他遗嘱的事?At the risk of putting my head in a noose, I will make some predictions.冒着自寻死路的风险,我来作一些预测。Avoid putting your car away until the engine has cooled down.在发动机冷却之前不要把车开进车库里。I had prepared for the meeting by putting down what I wanted from them.我已为会议做了准备,写下了我想从他们那里得到的东西。By resisting the Mafia's attempts to control the region, he was putting his own life in danger.他反对黑手党控制这一地区的企图,将自己的生命置于危险之中。This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.这届政府执意反对提高所得税。Her parents are always putting her down.她的父母总是数落她。They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.他们需要生产出油耗更低的汽车。I would qualify that by putting it into context.我会将它放入上下文中进行具体解释。Try putting a little oil on the hinge and see if it stops squeaking.试着给铰链上点油,看能否停止那嘎吱嘎吱的声音。She went around town putting up posters for the concert.她在城里到处张贴音乐会的海报。The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.中等教育的大幅扩张正对该系统造成巨大压力。I really should go to the dentist, but I keep putting it off.我实在应该去看看牙医,但我总是一拖再拖。Don't take any notice-she's just putting on an act!别理她 - 她是在装样子!I'd like more scope for putting a few new ideas into practice.我希望能有更多的机会实施一些新的主意。She seems all right but I think she's just putting on a brave face.她似乎没什么,但我怀疑她只是假装不在乎。I feel that there's a lot of pressure put on policemen. And as for putting guns in their hands, I don't think that's a very good idea at all.我觉得给警员的压力太大了。至于让他们佩枪,我并不认为是一个明智之举。I can't come now. I'm just putting the children to bed.我现在来不了,我在哄孩子们上床睡觉。Melanie was putting on her makeup in front of the mirror.梅拉妮正在镜子前面化妆。Shake off any excess flour before putting livers in the pan.将多余的面粉抖落干净,再把肝脏放进锅中。Exercise gently and avoid putting yourself under undue strain.适当锻炼,不要给自己太大的压力。I hadn't realized what a botheration putting up a tent in the dark could be!我没想到摸黑搭帐篷会这么麻烦!She undressed the child before putting her in the tin bath.她给孩子脱下衣服,然后把她放进锡铁澡盆里。He's putting the children to bed. 他正在哄孩子们上床睡觉。Don't go putting ideas in/into his head. 不要把一些想法灌输给他。Add up your outgoings, putting on a bit more for contingencies.把你的经常性开支加起来,再增加些钱用于意外开支。Her shot landed on the putting green.她击出的一记球落在轻击区。We thought we'd insure against rain by putting a tent up where people could take shelter.我们想为了以防万一得支起一个防雨帐篷,这样大家就可躲雨了。




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