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词汇 puppet
例句 A female puppet appeared on the stage.一个女木偶出现在舞台上。The director is an unseen puppet master, operating behind the scenes.经理是一位隐身的木偶大师,在幕后掌控一切。He seized power and ruled the country as a puppet of the occupying forces.他夺取了政权并作为占领军傀儡统治国家。Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。The army installed another puppet prime minister.军方任命了另一位傀儡首相。Most kids love puppet shows.大多数孩子都爱看木偶戏。They made puppet animals with eyes that move and ears that waggle.他们制作了眼睛会转、耳朵会摇摆的动物木偶。When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers.外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。He's little more than a puppet.他只是一个傀儡罢了。I took the children to a puppet theatre.我带孩子们去了木偶剧院。The children were spellbound by the puppet show.孩子们被木偶剧迷住了。A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew.占领军撤退时安插了一个傀儡政府。He is a man of integrity, not a sock puppet taking orders from above.他人很正直,不是听人摆布的袜子玩偶。He's become a puppet manipulated by the government.他已经变成了一个由政府操纵的傀儡。He dangled the puppet in front of the children.他在孩子们面前耍木偶。The puppet soldiers offered no resistance and surrendered.伪军未作抵抗就投降了。He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.他猛一拉线,木偶就跳动了。The president is a mere puppet of his prime minister.这位总统只不过是总理的傀儡。The pier has a unique little puppet theatre.码头有一个独特的小木偶剧院。The audience at the back craned their necks to see the puppet show.后面的观众伸长了脖子看木偶戏。A new puppet government was installed, but Western nations refused to recognize it.一个新的傀儡政府成立了,但是西方国家拒绝予以承认。The puppet's strings got entangled.木偶的牵线缠在一起了。The country was regarded as a US puppet.这个国家被视为美国的傀儡。The government is in danger of becoming a mere puppet of the military.政府面临成为军方傀儡的危险。




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