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词汇 大学校长
例句 A former politician has been appointed Chancellor of the university.一位昔日的政治人物被委任为大学校长The college president was against any negotiation with the students.这位大学校长反对与学生们谈判。College presidents supported his bid for the position.大学校长们支持他竞争这个职位。The assembly passed a resolution calling for the university president to step down.大会通过了要求那名大学校长下台的决议。The college president gave the new students a warm welcoming.大学校长给予新生热情的欢迎。Two student leaders were forcibly removed from the university president's office.两名学生领袖被强行从大学校长办公室赶了出来。The policy is so convoluted even college presidents are confused.这一政策太过复杂,连大学校长都感到困惑。He has a new perch as president of the university.他新任大学校长的高职。The perquisites of the college president include a home and car.大学校长的特权包括住房和汽车。The college president fought a running battle with the editors of the student newspaper.大学校长与学生报编辑们进行了旷日持久的较量。




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