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词汇 大学生
例句 This trend is catching on with/among college students.这种趋势在大学生中流行开来。Japanese college students in particular are disillusioned by the restrictions placed on them by society.尤其是日本的大学生对社会强加给他们的种种限制感到失望。The students have gone down for the summer.大学生们已离校过暑假去了。The grant money is for low-income college students.这助学金是给低收入家庭的大学生的。He represents the perfect image of a clean-living college boy.他代表了那种活得正派清白的大学生的完美形象。As Palermo pointed out, Peruvian university students tend to be highly political.正如巴勒莫所言,秘鲁的大学生政治意识很强。The resort is party central for college students on spring break. 这个度假胜地是大学生春假期间的聚会中心。Students at Oxbridge usually regard their fellow students at other universities as poor relations.牛津、剑桥的学生往往把其他大学的学生看成比自己低一等的大学生The college students spent their summer logging in the wood.大学生们利用暑期在森林中伐木。College students have glommed onto the new African styles.大学生们被这种新的非洲风格深深地吸引了。Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.大学生正在大量从事诸如遗传学和分子生物学等领域的研究。There are fewer opportunities for new graduates this year.对今年新毕业的大学生来说,就业机会要少一些。Students were protesting at overcrowding in the university hostels.大学生正在抗议宿舍过于拥挤。Daytona Beach is preparing for the thousands of college students who will arrive for spring break.代托纳比奇沙滩正在准备接待成千上万的大学生来度春假。Government policy towards higher education contains little to cheer university students.政府对高等教育的政策没有让大学生感到有什么希望。Almost all college students live in coed dormitories or in houses shared with friends.几乎所有大学生都住在男女混合的宿舍里或者和朋友合住房子。More older adults are choosing to join the ranks of college students.越来越多的老年人选择加入大学生行列。He received a college/student deferment. 他收到了大学生缓役的通知。She is doing her best to deliver the college student vote. 她正在竭尽全力拉大学生的选票。Some rednecks beat up some noisy college students at the pub.一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生University students rioted in protest at tuition fees.大学生闹事抗议学费过高。College students already are being nicked, but probably don't realize it.大学生已经上了当,但他们或许还没有意识到。The average university student is not very interested in politics.大学生普遍对政治不太感兴趣。The students chosen for the survey are a fairly representative sample/sampling of college students from across the U.S.被选来参加调查的学生在一定程度上代表全美国的大学生Those involved had performed acts unbecoming of university students.那些参与者的所作所为有失大学生的体面。We had proles working alongside university types as equals.我们把工人和大学生安排在一起工作,对他们一视同仁。The students were getting a rough deal from the university.大学生遭到校方的不公正对待。That year he was named the nation's No. 1 college football star.那年他被评为全国头号大学生球星。With his perfect college-boy looks, he's the latest teenage pin-up.因为有着帅气的大学生般的外表,他成为了最新的青少年偶像。College students crowded the little bar on the night of the poetry reading.在诗歌朗读之夜,小酒吧里挤满了大学生Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments.面对动物实验,哪怕是生物专业的大学生也会畏缩。The bar is popular with college students.这个酒吧很受大学生欢迎。College students work at a camp for kids from the inner city, leading craft activities and sports competitions.大学生们在一个为来自旧城区的儿童组织的活动营地里工作,带领他们做手工艺活,进行体育比赛。He is a Yale undergraduate.他是耶鲁大学的大学生You wouldn't think that college students could be so juvenile.你不会想到大学生还这么幼稚。He is a legendary figure to these young college students.对于这些年轻的大学生而言,他是个传奇性的人物。His second book will appeal to a narrower audience, mainly teachers and college students.他的第二本书的读者面将比较狭小,主要是教师和大学生We wonder that the little boy is a university student.我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.研究还注意到攻读理科的大学生数量持续减少。He is responsible for the campaign's outreach to college students.他负责将运动的范围扩展到大学生中。




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