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词汇 大学文凭
例句 In those days a university degree was a passport to a secure job.在那些日子里,大学文凭是获得稳定工作的保障。Her primary/long-term goal is to get a college degree.他的首要/长期目标是取得大学文凭Gone are the days when a university degree was a meal ticket for life.大学文凭就是一张终生饭票的日子一去不复返了。He chose to pursue a college degree.他选择了攻读大学文凭She hoped that her college degree would put her on the fast track to success in the business world. 她希望她的大学文凭会帮助她在商界迅速成功。A university degree would give you a head start in getting a good job.大学文凭对你找到一份好工作是很有利的。




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