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词汇 punch
例句 People working in the health service are punch-drunk with change.在医疗服务机构上班的人被变动搞糊涂了。He knocked him down with one punch.他一拳把他打倒在地。He parried and then threw a punch.他挡了一下,然后挥出一拳。It's a good thing he's not here, or I'd punch his lights out.他幸好不在,不然我要打得他两眼发黑。Aluko landed a knockout punch.阿卢科猛的一拳,将对方击倒。He was a punch-drunk boxer who made his living shining shoes.他是一个被打伤头部变得痴呆的拳击手,以擦鞋为生。The team was well trained but lacked punch.球队训练有素但活力不足。His articles lack punch.他的文章缺乏力量。Zidane raced over to punch the air and salute the fans.齐达内跑过来挥拳庆祝并向球迷致意。They plan to serve punch at the party.他们打算在聚会时上潘趣酒。Just punch the button to select a track.要选择一首曲子只要按这个按钮就行。Hitachi has beaten its competitors to the punch with its new palmtop.日立公司比其他竞争者抢先推出了新的掌上计算机。By the time we arrived home, we were punch-drunk with fatigue.我们到家时已经累得头昏眼花了。He got an extra punch on his discount card.他的折扣卡上又多了个孔。I'd like to give that guy a punch in the jaw.我真想给那家伙的下巴来一拳。I wanted to punch him for his betrayal.因为他的背叛,我想狠狠揍他一顿。In court, a witness said he had seen O'Grady punch the woman in the face.一名证人在法庭上说他看到奥格雷迪用拳头打了那女人的脸。She gave him a punch on the nose.她一拳打中了他的鼻子。He threw a punch at his opponent.他朝对手挥了一拳。Seeing the opponent was off his guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。He was floored with a single punch to the head.打中头部的一拳就把他击倒在地。It's time to punch out.到点打卡下班了。If you punch in the wrong code, the alarm sounds.如果你输入了错误的代码,警报就会响起来。The force of the punch sent him reeling against the wall.那一拳打得他趔趄着靠在墙上。I'd like to punch him on the nose.我真想揍扁他的鼻子。During the fight he never landed a punch.在那场拳击赛中他一拳也没击中。When you punch the fourth button, a new network will flash on the screen.如果你按下第四个按钮,萤光幕上将出现一个新的网路。The punch caught him right in the face.这一拳正好打在他的脸上。There was a solid punch to my face. I blanked out and hit the floor.我脸上挨了重重一拳,感到一阵眩晕栽倒在地板上。Simon could knock a man unconscious with one punch to the jaw.西蒙一拳打在下巴上就能把人击昏。The punch missed by a mile and the bigger boy crashed another blow into Billy's unprotected face.这一拳根本没有打中,于是那个大些的男孩又来了一拳,狠狠打在比利毫无防护的脸上。He made a small hole in the belt with a leather punch.他用打孔器在皮带上钻了一个孔。Rogers threw a punch at Martin.罗杰斯一拳打向马丁。A meteorite collided with Earth at the same time, delivering a one-two punch to the magnetic field.同时,一颗陨石撞上了地球,给磁场造成了双重打击。He took one punch to the jaw and was out like a light.他下巴挨了一拳,立马就昏过去了。These cocktails taste quite innocent, but they really pack a punch!这些鸡尾酒喝起来觉得没什么,可实际上后劲非常大!The first punch bloodied his nose.第一拳就把他的鼻子打出了血。Someone spiked the punch at the party.有人在晚会用的潘趣酒中加了烈性酒。The Spanish wine, with the flavour of honey, packed quite a punch.那种蜂蜜味道的西班牙葡萄酒劲很大。I think somebody doctored the punch.我认为有人在潘趣酒中下了药。




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