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词汇 barely
例句 There was barely a mention of the plan's possible dangers.基本上没有提到这个计划可能存在的危险。He stamped his feet as he waited with barely concealed impatience for the telephone.他等电话时跺着脚,几乎掩藏不住自己的焦急之情。Her writing was so tiny that it was barely legible.她的字写得那么小,几乎无法阅读。She had been so terrifically busy that she barely had time to sleep.她太忙了,几乎没有时间睡觉。I could barely stand up without barfing.我几乎是一站起来就要吐。She was barely aware of his presence.她几乎注意不到他。I can barely understand it, never mind explain it.我对它几乎不理解,更不用说解释了。His eyes flashed with barely repressed anger.他的眼中闪着难以抑制的怒火。The commission had barely begun to make a dent in the problem.委员会几乎还没有在这个问题上取得任何进展。She could barely repress a sigh of relief.她几乎抑制不住想舒口气。This type of computer jargon is barely comprehensible to most people.这类计算机术语对大多数人而言都几乎是无法理解的。He was barely capable of writing his own name.他几乎连自己的名字都不会写。Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour.史蒂夫在前半小时里没说几句话。Snow was coming down so thickly I could barely see through the window.雪下得这么大,我从窗口往外看都看不清东西。She could barely hide her distaste.她几乎无法掩饰自己的厌恶。A barely audible whisper came from the closet.储物间传来极微弱的耳语声。Her voice was barely audible in the growing hubbub.在越来越嘈杂的喧闹声中她的声音几乎听不见了。The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.没有出口作物,岛上的居民几乎无法生存。There was barely a gallon of gas in the tank.油箱内才有一加仑汽油。The survivors barely escape in whatever ships they can find.幸存者看到不管什么船都上,这才勉强得以逃脱。They divorced during a time when that was barely thinkable.在那个离婚几乎是不可想象的年代里,他们离了婚。The trailer was cluttered and cramped, with barely enough room to turn around.这活动房屋里又乱又挤,几乎没有转身的地方。These stars are barely visible to the naked eye.这些星星肉眼几乎看不见。He didn't study for the exam and just barely scraped by. 他没有复习就参加了考试,勉强通过。Her serve was just barely in.她的发球刚好落在界内。She was so upset that she had barely touched her food.她愁得几乎什么也吃不下。I can barely understand it, let alone explain it.我几乎不明白,更别提解释它了。She can't walk or feed herself and she can barely speak - it's a living death.她自己无法走路,也无法吃东西,而且几乎无法说话——真是活受罪啊。Nicole could barely suppress her laughter.妮科尔几乎忍不住要笑出声来。He's doing very well in his history classes, but he's barely getting by in math.他的历史课成绩很好,但数学成绩勉强通过。When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends meet.自从迈克失业以后,我们简直难以维持生计。They have sent barely coded messages to the Education Secretary endorsing this criticism.他们几乎毫不隐讳地向教育部长传达了支持这一批评的信息。The piano will barely go through the door.钢琴刚好能从门洞通过。He barely remembered anything she had said that day.他简直记不起那天她说了些什么。He sounded barely coherent on the phone.他在电话里听起来几乎话不成句。The room was barely habitable.这间房间几乎没法住人。The fake was barely distinguishable from the original painting.这幅赝品与原画几乎无法区别。He could barely contain his curiosity.他几乎无法控制自己的好奇心。The quality of his work was only/merely/barely adequate.他的工作质量很一般。They were so deep in conversation that they barely noticed me.他们谈得如此投入,以至于几乎没有注意到我。




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