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词汇 public health
例句 Milk from cows suffering from mastitis may be dangerous to public health.患乳腺炎的牛所产的奶对公众的健康可能有危害。Malaria, spread by mosquitoes, is one of the biggest public health problems in Africa.由蚊子传播的疟疾是非洲最大的公共卫生问题之一。At first the government played down the threat to public health.起初政府试图将对公众健康的威胁轻描淡写。Chemicals in our drinking water could pose a serious threat to public health.我们饮用水中所含的化学物会对大众的健康构成严重威胁。We feel that this product presents a significant risk to public health.我们觉得这种产品对公众健康构成了严重威胁。The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis.卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。We have an urgent front-burner public health problem.我们有一个迫在眉睫、需要优先处理的公共卫生问题。Brucellosis is a worldwide problem of both public health and economic importance.布氏杆菌病对公共卫生和经济的重要性是世界性的广泛问题。The risk to public health is minuscule.对公众健康造成的危害是微乎其微的。Anyone who takes milk from an unhealthy cow will be contravening public health regulations.任何人从病牛身上取奶均违反公共卫生条例。The sale of untreated milk may contravene public health regulations.销售未经处理的牛奶可能违反公众卫生条例。She got her degree in public health.她获得了公共卫生学专业的学位。The few public health clinics that existed were filthy and understaffed.仅有的几个公共医疗中心卫生条件差,而且人手不足。There is no risk to public health.对公众健康没有危险。Polluted water supplies are a risk to public health.受污染的水源对公众健康是一个威胁。I've worked in public health services throughout my career.我的整个职业生涯是在公共医疗服务系统中度过的。The new system decreases the risk to public health.新系统会减少公共卫生的隐患。After the floods, contaminated water was a serious threat to public health.洪水过后,被污染的水对公众健康是很大的威胁。There is virtually no public health system, no civil service and no infrastructure.实际上没有公共卫生系统,没有行政部门,也没有基础设施。Statistics have some usefulness in the study of public health issues.统计学在研究公共卫生问题上是有一定用处的。There is no threat to public health from this paint.这种涂料不会对公众健康造成威胁。The quality of public health care depends on the amount of money allocated to it.公共卫生保健水平取决于划拨的钱款额度。The eradication of smallpox ranks as one of the great triumphs of public health.天花的根除是公共卫生事业的一次重大胜利。Remedial action must be taken for the protection of public health.为保护公众健康必须采取补救措施。Reading over his past speeches, you'll see that housing, public health and education feature strongly.看看他过去的演说词,你会发现住房、公共卫生和教育占有重要地位。It's been one of the factors chiefly responsible for improved public health.这是公共卫生得以改善的主要因素之一。Water purity is a public health issue.水质的洁净是一个公共健康问题。Carbon monoxide levels still exceed guidelines set to protect public health.一氧化碳水平仍然超过为保护公众健康而确定的标准。




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