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词汇 provincial
例句 The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。Times become more flexible off-season, especially in the smaller provincial museums.尤其是在规模较小的地方博物馆,开放时间在旅游淡季更加灵活。The majority of young professionals in the capital have moved there from provincial towns.大多数在首都工作的年轻职业人士都来自外省城镇。The audience was dull and very provincial.这群观众麻木不仁、思想偏狭。His provincial attitude was a source of irritation for her.他偏狭的态度是她恼火的根源。His art is primitive and provincial.他的艺术原始而粗野。Her story is sharply evocative of Italian provincial life.她的故事很容易使人联想到意大利的乡村生活。Since she moved to the city, she scorns what she calls our provincial ways.自从搬到城里后,她就瞧不上我们那些她所谓的土气了。The president has accused the provincial government of challenging his leadership.总统指控省级政府公然反抗他的领导。The city was seen as a provincial backwater.这个城市被认为是个死气沉沉的地方城市。There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police.莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵持局面仍没有结束的迹象。Owen died an unknown provincial.欧文去世时是个默默无闻的外省人。It was a sleepy provincial hotel, not used to having more than two people staying there at any one time.那是在都城以外的一家很冷清的小旅舍,一般同时接待不超过两个客人。She speaks with a provincial accent.她讲话有外省口音。She is too provincial to try foreign foods.她过于守旧,不愿意尝试外国食品。The farmers were narrowly provincial in their outlook.这些农民观念偏狭,见识不广。The audience was dull and very provincial.观众既呆板又非常守旧。I'm sure that some of the larger provincial towns have as much to offer as London.我相信一些较大型外省城镇所提供的资源不比伦敦少。The government decreed a ban on all contact with the guerrillas by local and provincial government officials.政府下令禁止地方和省府官员与游击队有任何接触。We received definitive direction from the provincial government that we were to implement the policy.我们接到省政府要求实施该政策的明确指令。Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper.两名记者都从同一份当地报纸获得了最初的新闻工作经验。Guerillas captured and briefly held an important provincial capital.游击队攻占并短暂控制了一个重要首府。A provincial magistrates' court last week ruled it unconstitutional.一家省级地方法院上周裁定其违宪。She was a rather gauche, provincial creature.她是个非常不善交际、偏狭守旧的人。She is absolutely provincial and I don't like that chromium-plated stuff of hers.她土极了,我不喜欢她那花花绿绿的服饰。Alicante is the provincial capital.阿利坎特是省会。He decided to revamp the company's provincial image.他决心一改公司保守落后的形象。




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