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词汇 protocol
例句 Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.触碰女王是违反皇家礼仪的。He has become something of a stickler for the finer observances of royal protocol.他已经变得非常刻板,哪怕是最细微的皇室礼仪也会遵循。This was highly unusual protocol for diplomatic envoys.这是对外交使节极不寻常的礼遇。According to protocol, he was to arrive at the meeting exactly five minutes early.按礼节他应该提早正好五分钟到会。The soldier's actions constitute a breach of military protocol.士兵的行为违反了军事礼节。Aspiring contestants were already frustrated because of unclear protocol.由于规则模糊不清,信心满怀的参赛选手已经开始感到沮丧。According to protocol, he first reported to the Director of the hospital.根据礼节,他先向医院院长报到。Elena went through the protocol of the curtain calls.埃琳娜向观众行了谢幕礼。The powers concerned could not reach an agreement on the fifth article of the protocol.有关大国未能就草案的第五条达成协议。What is the proper protocol for declining a job offer?拒绝工作邀请时应有的礼节是什么?




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