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A pocket protector will prevent ink staining your shirt.护套能防止墨水沾染到衬衫上。He projected himself as the protector of national unity and harmony.他把自己标榜为民族团结与和谐的捍卫者。She sees her older brother as her protector.她把哥哥视为她的保护人。She has a reputation for being an ardent protector of individuals' liberties.她是位著名的对个人自由的热情捍卫者。Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.许多母亲将儿子看成是未来的保护人和赡养人。He was the only National League umpire to wear an outside chest protector.他是唯一在衣服外面穿护胸的全国联赛裁判。Hockey goalies wear a chest protector that is similar to the one a catcher in baseball wears.冰球守门员穿着类似棒球接球手穿的护胸。Philip II considered himself the protector of the Catholic Church.腓力二世将自己看作天主教的保护者。 |