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词汇 protect
例句 The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers.该法律意图保护那些年轻且无判断力的电视观众。There is a cushion under the rug to protect the floor.地毯下面有一层用于保护地板的软垫。Bark can be used to protect the plants against slugs.茎皮可用来保护植物免受鼻涕虫的侵害。Garlic was once thought to protect people against evil spirits.大蒜曾被认为能保护人们免受邪神侵害。We must take steps to protect the region as a manufacturing base.我们必须采取措施保护这个地区为生产基地。The company now faces several suits over its failure to protect its employees.目前这家公司因未能保护员工安全而陷入多场官司。Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.海洋生物学家号召将卡迪根湾建成一个海洋自然保护区,以保护那里的海豚。Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.这些警卫表面上是为了保护我们。实际上,他们在那里是为了随时报告我们的行踪。Lenders must try and protect themselves against bad debts.放款人必须尽量保护自己,免得出现坏账。The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.对进口商品实行高税收旨在保护国内生产厂商。The islanders are trying to protect their environment from the ever-increasing number of Australian tourists.岛上的居民正尽力保护环境,使其免遭日渐增多的澳大利亚游客的破坏。We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.我们来这里保护、帮助年迈体弱者。Even well-meaning parents cannot protect their children from everything.即使是用心良苦的家长也无法样样事情都把孩子保护起来。Extra payments should be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent exploitation.为了保护员工的利益,防止剥削,应该要求公司支付额外工资。Are you prepared to protect yourself in case of attack?你是否准备好在遭受袭击的时候进行自我保护?Animals have evolved camouflage to protect themselves from predators.动物进化形成了伪装,以保护它们不受食肉动物的捕食。Concrete barriers surround the racetrack to protect spectators.跑道周围设立了混凝土障碍物,以保护观众。The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.幼鲸长了一层厚脂肪层以抵御寒冷的海水。Teachers have no choice but to take measures to protect themselves.教师们别无选择,只能采取措施来保护自己。The missile system, Bush maintains, will protect the US against so-called rogue states.布什坚持说导弹系统可以保护美国不受所谓的无赖国家的侵害。The insurance does not protect against damage caused by earthquakes.这份保险不赔偿地震带来的损失。Cars were covered with clear-coat finish to protect the underlying paint from fading.汽车都涂了一层透明罩漆,以防底漆褪色。She needed me around to protect her, whether she realized it or no.不管她自己是不是认识到,她需要我在她身边保护她。New laws have been passed to protect your privacy.新法规已获通过,旨在保护个人隐私。I'll go to any lengths to protect her from the truth.我将竭尽全力不让她知道真相。How can we protect ourselves against identity theft?我们如何才能保护自己免受身份盗窃呢?Their job is to protect private property.他们的工作是保护私人财产。The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.公司提供泡沫隔垫,在运输过程中保护药品免遭损害。Her comments were intended as a caution to us to protect our property.她的话是想提醒我们保护好自身财产安全。I wanted to harden my heart to protect it from breaking even more.我想变得冷酷无情,这样我就不会再心碎了。Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence.社会有权力和义务保护自身不受暴力行为的侵害。We netted the berry bushes to protect them from the birds.我们用网罩住这些浆果树以防鸟。Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks.公司应该通过申请专利和注册商标保护自己的知识产权。He's passionate about the need to protect the environment.他坚决主张要保护环境。He had no need to protect their reputation at the expense of his own.他没有必要为了保护他们的名誉而牺牲自己的。It has been claimed that wine helps protect against heart disease.有人声称葡萄酒有助于预防心脏病。The bags have tough exterior materials to protect against knocks, rain and dust.这些包的面料非常结实耐用,可以防撞、防雨并防尘。They went to the mat to protect the program.他们努力保护这项计划。If we don't protect biodiversity, we threaten the survival of the planet.如果我们不保护生物多样性,就会对地球的生存造成威胁。The government should do more to protect the environment.政府必须采取更多措施来保护环境。




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