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Corporal punishment was a relic of barbarism.肉刑是野蛮风俗的残余。The line between civilization and barbarism is a very thin one.文明与野蛮之间仅一线之隔。We do not ask for the death penalty: barbarism must not be met with barbarism.我们不要死刑:不能以野蛮对待野蛮。He witnessed some appalling acts of barbarism during the war.他亲眼目睹了战争期间发生的一些骇人听闻的野蛮行为。Although acceptable in American English, it is considered a barbarism in Britain.这尽管在美国英语里可以接受,但在英国却被视为粗俗的用法。The barbarism of his dictatorship cannot be ignored.他独裁统治时期的暴行不容忽视。 |