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词汇 details
例句 The details have still to be worked out.具体细节还有待敲定。Full details about the company's plans will be announced in several months.该公司规划的全部细节将于几个月后公布。Those kind of details can easily be cross-checked.那种细节问题很容易核实。If you need further information/details, you can call me.如果你需要更多信息/详情,可以给我打电话。Make sure you get all the details before you sign on the dotted line. 在正式签字前,要确保你已经了解了所有细节。A patent will be refused if details of the item have already been released to the public.如果一样东西的细节已向外公布,就不会获得专利。The model is accurate down to the tiniest details.这个模型连最细微的地方都准确无误。There are many different methods which are similar in spirit but differ in implementation details.有各种不同的方法本质上是相似的,但具体操作不同。Don't worry too much about the details.别为枝节问题过分烦恼。As a consultant to NASA, Cockburn had access to confidential details of the US space program.科伯恩作为美国国家航空航天局的顾问,可以接触到美国宇航计划的机密细节。He gave details of the policy in an address to party members.他在对党员的一次讲话中对这一政策进行了具体阐述。We will hold details of your complaint for three years.您投诉的详细资料我们会保留三年。She was telling me all the juicy details of her love life.她在给我讲述她的种种风流韵事。I can't be bothered with the pissy details.我不会为那些无足轻重的琐事而烦恼的。He gave no details.他没有给出细节。Although most of the facts were published the government kept back certain details that might prove embarrassing.虽然大部分事实已被公布,政府仍然隐瞒了一些可能让人尴尬的细节。Always check the details carefully before you sign any written agreement.签署任何书面协议之前都要仔细审核具体内容。More piquant details of their private life were revealed.他们私生活中又有更多有趣的细节被披露出来。The two sides still differ over details of the plan.在计划的细节上,双方仍持不同意见。There are many inaccuracies in details.在细节上有许多不准确的地方。The report contained details of the poison gas and cited examples of accidents involving it.报告中描写了这种毒气的有关细节,还引证了涉及这种毒气的一些事故。These details help to realize the scene.这些细节有助于使场景显得真实。There were quibbles over some of the details.对于某些细节问题有些小小的批评意见。The book doesn't skimp on details. 这本书提供了大量细节。The final details of the contract still have to be ironed out.合同最后的一些细节还须协商以达成一致。Spare me the gory details.别给我讲那些骇人听闻的细节了。Full details are available from the following address.从以下地址可以了解全部详情。Please enter all your personal details on the form provided.请将您的个人资料填入提供的表格。He carefully recounts the tale, the microscopic details of those crucial minutes.他详细地讲述了事情的经过和在那关键的几分钟里所发生的微小细节。Baker advises the President on the details of foreign policy.贝克就外交政策的细节问题向总统提供建议。Before we can consider the details we need to have an overview of the whole situation.我们在考虑具体的问题之前,需要对整个情况作一简单介绍。I'm a little fuzzy on the details.在细节方面我不太清楚。A good writer is careful about details.凡是优秀作家都重视细节的描写。The details of the ceremony were carefully prearranged.仪式的各种细节都已预先精心安排了。Please don't omit any details.请不要省略任何细节。Her secretary always took care of the details.细节问题总是由她的秘书来处理。Did you send off for details of the competition?你去函索取介绍竞赛详情的资料了吗?Just stick your details down on a piece of paper and I'll get back to you.把详情写在一张纸上,回头我再找你。Spill the gory details about your worst relationship.说出你最糟糕的那段感情不堪的细节。We can sort out the final details at a later stage.我们可以以后才处理这些细枝末节。




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