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词汇 promise
例句 I know damn well she won't keep her promise.我就知道她不会守信。I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit.我希望你遵守诺言来这儿多呆几天。She betrayed her friends by breaking her promise.她不遵守自己的诺言,因而失信于她的朋友。MOOCs promise to change the face of higher education.慕课有希望改变高等教育的面貌。I promise not to tell anyone.我保证不跟任何人说。We promise we won't leave a mess.我们保证不会留下烂摊子。We can't promise instant solutions, but we can promise to listen.我们不能保证立刻给予解决,但保证能认真听取意见。He broke his promise. = He went back on his promise. 他违背了诺言。I promise, from now on , I'll always tell you the truth.我保证从现在起永远对你说真话。The rebels promise to release their captives unharmed if their demands are met.叛军保证,如果他们的要求得到满足,被俘的人会安全获释。I'll telephone her first thing, I promise.我保证第一件事就是给她打电话。The project holds a great deal of promise.这一项目前景一片光明。I'm not impressed by the promise of tax cuts against the backdrop of a public-spending deficit.在公共开支不足的背景下,我对减税的许诺心存疑虑。She gave me her promise.她向我做了承诺。The Liberals also retracted their promise to balance the budget.自由党人也违背了他们平衡预算的承诺。He kept/fulfilled his promise. 他信守/履行诺言。Her promise rang hollow.她的许诺听上去像是空话。She was apologetic for not keeping her promise.她对自己未能遵守诺言表示歉意。I exacted a promise from Ros that she wouldn't say a word.我要求罗丝作出保证,她不会说出一个字。Her promise to lower taxes may have swung the presidential election.她的减税承诺可能改变了总统选举结果。I promise I won't get angry. Just level with me and tell me what happened.我保证不会生气。老实告诉我是怎么回事。Those gray skies promise rain.天空灰蒙蒙的,很可能要下雨。I've made a promise and I can't get out of it.我已经作出承诺,不能逃避。The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜能。The officers promise a return to multiparty rule.这些官员承诺恢复多党统治。After a broken promise, it is hard to count on a person.一次失约,再要人相信你就难了。I'll do my damnedest to fix it, but I can't promise anything.我会尽全力去修,但是我不能作出保证。He'd broken his promise again, and it was the last straw.他又一次食言,这让人再也无法忍下去了。I reminded him of his promise to help me. 我提醒他,他曾经答应过帮我。She showed great promise as a runner.她作为赛跑运动员很有前途。Do you promise to put the money to good use?你答应要好好利用这笔钱吗?Okay I'll come with you if you'll promise not to go too fast.行,我和你一块来,前提是你保证不要走得太快。I reminded myself of my promise.我提醒自己要信守承诺。They gave the budget problems a lick and a promise and then moved on to the next issue.预算问题他们只是随便敷衍一下,然后就进入了下一议题。The President is backtracking on his promise to increase healthcare spending.总统食言,不想增加医疗保健开支了。I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it.我向你作过承诺,我会履行的。This case is going to be tough, but I promise I'll give it my best shot.这个案子很棘手,但我保证会尽力而为。I'm going to tell you a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else.我告诉你一个秘密,但是你必须保证不告诉别人。I promise never to get drunk henceforth.我答应从今以后再不醉酒。I felt guilty after breaking my promise.我违背诺言后感到内疚。




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