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It's a fallacy that gay men are more promiscuous than heterosexuals.认为同性恋男子比异性恋男子的生活更加淫乱,这是一个很常见的谬论。You know the risks of promiscuous sex.你知道滥交的危险。I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.我想我年轻时生活很放荡。He was promiscuous with his apologies. 他经常为杂七杂八的原因而道歉。She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous.她被认为是个被惯坏了的、既虚荣又淫乱的女人。The story printed had implied that Morosi was promiscuous.刊出的报道暗指莫罗西有性乱行为。Promiscuous men are rarely criticized as severely as promiscuous women.滥交的男人很少会像滥交的女人一样受到严厉的指责。 |