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词汇 death
例句 Paul is thrilled to death that I'm finally learning to cook.我终于学会了做饭,保罗高兴极了。Sandra helped us deal with the grief and anger we felt over Patrick's death.我们对帕特里克的死感到悲愤,是桑德拉帮助我们克服过去的。Lung cancer death rates are up.肺癌死亡率上升。I shall evermore remember this narrow escape from death.我将永远记住这次死里逃生。He was stabbed to death in a brawl.在一次争吵中,他被人捅死。He wept at the news of her death.听到她的死讯时他哭了。His mother's death intensified his loneliness.母亲的过世使他感到更加孤单。June never recovered from the trauma of her husband's violent death.琼一直没有摆脱丈夫惨死给她带来的精神创伤。I worry that his drug addiction will be the death of him.我担心他会因毒瘾而丧命。He started back as soon as he got the news of his mother's death.他一接到母亲去世的消息,立刻踏上归途。Dawson takes revenge on the man by knifing him to death.道森用刀杀死了他的仇人。His son acceded upon the king's death.国王去世后由其子即位。He cannot return to the country on pain of death. 他不能冒死回国。Two years after his death the bishop was canonized.主教去世两年后被封为了圣者。His death leaves a huge gap in the theatrical life of New York.他的去世给纽约戏剧界留下了巨大空白。By accusing the King of murder, he signed his own death warrant.他指控国王谋杀,从而让自己走上了绝路。The details of her death have stayed a closely guarded secret.她死亡的详情一直严格保密。The general met his death on the battlefield.那位将军战死沙场。Smith had apparently been kicked to death.史密斯显然是被踢死的。The victim was smothered to death.受害人被窒息致死。After months of suffering, his death was a mercy.经受了数月痛苦的折磨后,死对他是一种解脱。In some countries, drug-smuggling still carries the death sentence.在某些国家,贩毒仍要被判处死刑。They face certain death if they are sent back to their home country.如果被遣送回国,他们就必死无疑。The smell of death hangs in the air.死亡的气息萦绕在空中。His death was totally unexpected.他的死完全出乎意料。Support for the death penalty has been slipping.人们对死刑的支持一直在下降。Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found yesterday.昨天发现的一具无名男尸,警方正在调查该案件。There has been considerable confusion regarding the facts of her death.人们对她死亡一事感到颇为费解。Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modern villa.丈夫去世之前她已经在一所现代化别墅里安顿下来了。A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded.判定为意外事故致死。The bill provides for the automatic review of all death sentences.该法案规定所有死刑判决都要自动接受审核。Drug smugglers face the death penalty if they are caught.毒犯如果被捕会面临死刑。The adjectives used in the poem all connote death and destruction.诗中所用的形容词全都隐含着死亡和毁灭之意。As a racing driver, he was involved in many serious crashes and had cheated death on several occasions.作为一名赛车手,他经历了多次严重的撞车事故,好几次都死里逃生。Her father's death had a formative influence on her childhood.她父亲的过世对她儿童时期的性格形成产生了影响。I was totally devastated by the news of my mother's death.母亲的死讯彻底击垮了我。Your next of kin will receive death benefit if you die in an accident.意外死亡者的近亲会得到死亡保险金。It was clear that the dog was near death.很明显那条狗快死了。I rang the Globe with news of Blake's death, and put notices in the personal column of The Times.我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯,然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。After her husband's death, she moved back to California.丈夫去世后,她搬回了加州。




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