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词汇 Death
例句 Death relieved them of their troubles.他们一死便一了百了。Death and disease were thinning their ranks.死亡与疾病正在导致他们减员。Fernandez waits on Death Row, hoping for an eleventh-hour reprieve.费尔南德斯在监狱的死囚区里等待着,希望在最后一刻获得缓刑。Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.因为两颗子弹都击中了心脏,所以死亡是瞬间发生的。Death is inevitable; it comes to everyone.死亡无可避免,它要降临到每个人头上。Death is never easy to confront.见死不惧非易事。Death from a massive heart attack was almost instantaneous.严重的心脏病突发造成的死亡几乎是即时的。Death is the necessary end of life.死亡是生命的必然终结。Death is the theme that now pervades his poetry.死亡现在成了贯穿他诗歌的主题。Death and suffering had been visited on thousands of innocents.成千上万无辜的人受到死亡与苦难的折磨。Death and murder always lurk as potentials in very violent relationships.充满暴力的男女关系中总是存在着死亡和凶杀的可能性。Death is still a taboo subject for many people.死亡对不少人来说仍然是个忌讳的话题。Death is a difficult subject that few people like to talk about.死亡是几乎无人愿意谈论的难题。Death toll rises as heat wave scorches southern Europe.由于热浪炙烤,欧洲南部死亡人数上升。Death came as a merciful release.死亡成为一种仁慈的解脱。Death was considered vastly preferable to surrender.宁可死也不投降。Death is the great leveler. 死亡面前人人平等。Death is no respecter of wealth.死亡并不买财富的账。Death rates from accidents have been on the increase.事故死亡率呈上升趋势。Death itself is a paradox, the end yet the beginning.死亡本身就是自相矛盾的,它既是结束又是开始。Death came quickly and agonizingly.死亡迅速降临,伴随着剧烈的疼痛。Death is the great leveller.死亡面前,人人平等。She was dubbed by the newspapers "the Angel of Death".她被报纸称为“死亡天使”。Death in custody in a police station is not, strictly, reportable unless it is unnatural or of unknown cause.警察局拘留期间发生的死亡,严格说来,并不是非报告不可的,除非是横死或死因不明。Death was caused by cardiac and respiratory failure.心脏和呼吸系统的衰竭导致死亡。Death and renewal are leitmotivs running through the whole novel.死亡与新生是贯穿这部小说的主题。Death, not life, is the default state of cells.细胞的常态是死亡而不是存活。Death was due to asphyxia through smoke inhalation.死亡是吸入浓烟窒息导致的。Death was attributable to gunshot wounds.死因可能是枪伤。Death is the great equalizer.死亡面前人人平等。Death holds no terror for them.死亡吓不倒他们。The parched yellow landscape of Death Valley stretched out for miles in front of us.死谷那片干枯的黄土地在我们面前绵延数英里。Death doesn't hold any fear for me.死亡对我来说并不可怕。Death frightens me, specifically my own death.死亡让我感到恐惧,确切地说,是我自己的死亡。




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