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A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately.已将大量食物配送并直接出售了。Together they travel the world, sourcing clothes for the small, privately owned company.他们一道走遍世界各地,为那家私营小公司寻觅服装货源。I'm happy to have you to myself tonight; it will give us a chance to talk privately.我很高兴今晚能与你一人相处,这样我们可以单独聊一聊。May I speak with you privately?我能私下和你谈一谈吗?The company is badly/privately run.这家公司经营不善/由私人经营。No other European country had so few privately owned businesses.再没有哪个欧洲国家有如此之少的私有企业。They retreated into the next room to talk privately.他们到隔壁房间私下交谈去了。Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death.五个人之中有两个认为公司会在他们退休或去世时被私下卖掉。I had not talked to Winnette privately for weeks.我好几个星期没有和温尼特私下谈过话了。How much does it cost to educate a child privately?让一个孩子接受私立教育要花费多少钱?Nickles was privately feeling out colleagues.尼克尔斯正在私下打探同事们的反应。He took/drew her aside to speak to her privately.他把她拉到一边,跟她私下里说话。She spoke privately with the manager.她私下与经理谈了谈。May I talk with you privately?我可以私下和你谈谈吗?Some admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.一些人私下承认失业率可能继续升高。Strike leaders are privately saying they would like an end to the dispute, but don't want to be seen to be caving in.罢工领导人私下里说,他们希望结束争端,但是不想被看成是一种让步。Both children are privately educated.两个孩子接受的都是私立教育。Simon seemed confident, but privately he grew increasingly anxious.西蒙看上去很有信心,但私下里他越来越焦虑。She was privately educated at schools in Ireland and Paris.她在爱尔兰和巴黎的学校接受过私立教育。She had the memoir privately printed in a limited edition.她自费出版了这部回忆录,印数有限。Most local radio stations are privately-owned.大多数地方电台为私人所有。This meant that he couldn't grandstand publicly, but had to negotiate privately.这就意味着他不能公开卖弄招摇,只能在私下交涉。I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.口试后,我私下里与那位考生谈了谈。The two leaders met privately to discuss trade policy.这两个领导人私下会面,讨论贸易政策。A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately without ever reaching the shops.很多食物都是通过私人渠道直接配送和销售,根本没有进过商店。This privately-owned airways is allowed to operate a new civil airline service.这家私营航空公司获准开办一条新的民用航线。There is evidence that privately insured patients are offered a higher level of care.有证据表明,私人投保的病人得到更好的照料。The new roads will be financed privately.这些新公路将由私人出资修建。They were privately furious about it.他们背地里对此暴跳如雷。Generations of Native American children in state schools were punished for speaking their own language, even privately.在公立学校里,一代又一代的印第安儿童因为说自己的语言而受到了惩罚,即使是私下里说说也不行。The museum is privately owned.这个博物馆归私人所有。Despite their tough anti-American rhetoric, the government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U.S..尽管他们发表强硬的反美言论,政府仍试图私下与美国保持良好关系。The police officer is privately in league with some crooks.那警察暗中和一些无赖勾结。The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage.整个过程使得从私人手中购买汽车与从汽车库购买一样方便。They say things privately, but clam up in public.他们私下会说话,但在大庭广众之前就变得沉默了。Some aides privately complain that the Senator receives special treatment.一些助手私底下抱怨说这位参议员得到了特别优待。Journalists flew in on a privately chartered plane.记者乘坐私人包机来。The airport is being privately funded by a construction group.该机场是由一个建筑集团私人出资兴建的。Because of the delicacy of the situation, we needed to speak privately.由于情况十分微妙,我们需要单独谈谈。If you advertise privately, you may pitch the price too low.你要是私下做广告,可能会将价格定得过低。 |