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词汇 apple
例句 Would you like a piece/slice of apple pie?要不要来一块/一片苹果馅饼?After two bites I realised the apple was rotten.咬了两口之后,我发觉这是只烂苹果。An apple rolled out of the bag.一个苹果从包里滚了出来。Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie.安做的糕点很好吃——你应该尝尝她做的苹果馅饼。Her daughter is the apple of her eye.她女儿是她的掌上明珠。I bet it doesn't take your mom so long to make an apple pie.我敢打赌你妈妈不用花多久就能做个苹果馅饼。Tethered goats grazed among the apple trees.拴着的山羊在苹果林里吃草。The accounts were in apple-pie order.账目井井有条。She finished her apple and threw the core away.她吃完苹果把核扔掉了。He planted some apple trees in memory of his wife.他种了些苹果树纪念他的妻子。On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees.他右边是一个生机勃勃的菜园,菜园的另一边是一个小小的苹果园。I've planted a small apple tree in the garden.我已经在花园里栽了一棵小苹果树。She kept the largest apple for herself.她把最大的苹果留给自己。Add the grated orange rind and toss the apple slices in the mixture.加入磨碎的橙皮,再将苹果片在其中轻拌。Penny's only son was the apple of her eye.彭妮的独子是她的心肝宝贝。My apple pie was upstaged by her chocolate cake.我的苹果派被她的巧克力蛋糕比下去了。I've got an extra apple if you want one.如果你想要,我还有一个苹果。I can't wait to try your apple pie.我都等不及想要尝尝你的苹果派了。Don't throw your apple core on the floor!别把苹果核扔到地板上!A large bite had been taken out of the apple.这只苹果已被咬去一大块。He grafted the branch onto the apple tree.他将这根树枝嫁接到了苹果树上。Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?.你能否告诉我该不该修剪苹果树?There are just five commercial apple farms left in the whole southwest.在整个西南地区只剩下五个商业性苹果种植场。I took a bite from the apple.我咬了一口苹果。She bit into the apple.她咬了一口苹果。There is a predominance of apple trees in this area.本地区苹果树占绝大多数。I'll just snack on an apple if I'm hungry.如果饿了,我就吃个苹果垫一垫。The goodness of an apple has gone by the time mould appears on it.苹果一发霉就没营养了。Bees swarmed around the apple tree.苹果树周围是成群的蜜蜂。The sight of the apple made his mouth water.他一见到苹果就馋得流口水。 The apple pie tasted so good. 这个苹果派很好吃。Mother's apple pie always hits the spot with the boys.妈妈做的苹果馅饼总是最合男孩们的口味。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生不登门。Let's not upset the apple cart by introducing new rules.我们不要引进新规则扰乱局面。With a sudden acrobatic action, he picked the apple off the tree.他像杂技演员般做了一个突然的动作,从树上摘下了苹果。The name of this fruit is apple.这水果的名称叫苹果。Have an apple - it'll take the edge off your hunger.吃个苹果吧——可以充充饥。He bit a great chunk out of the apple.他咬了一大块苹果。Place the pastry circles on to a baking sheet and position one apple on each circle.把油酥面圈放到烘烤盘上,并在每个上面放一个苹果。She took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed.她咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去。




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