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词汇 bank on
例句 You might be able to get it altered, but don't bank on it.你也许能够将它改一下,但别指望太多。I sold the bank on giving me a loan.我说服银行贷款给我。Don't bank on your friends to help you out of trouble.不要指望你的朋友来帮你摆脱困境。There's a bank on the corner, next to the supermarket.拐角处挨着超市有一家银行。She saves all her change in a small bank on her desk.她把所有零钱都存放在桌上的小储蓄罐里。You can bank on him to hand you a reasonable bill for your services.你可以相信他会给你合理的服务费。This brake can't be banked on if we have to pull up suddenly.如果我们必须紧急停车,这个刹车是不可靠的。Two armed men raided the bank on Tuesday.两名武装男子在周二抢劫了这家银行。She may support us, but don't bank on it.她也许会支持我们,但不要寄希望于此In one town, all the women were urged to remove their money from the banks on an allotted day, to demonstrate women's financial muscle.在某市,所有的女性都被建议在指定日期从银行取走她们的钱,以展示女性群体的经济实力。




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