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词汇 not much of a
例句 He's not much of a cook. 他不太会做饭。She's not much of a risk taker. 她是个不大爱冒险的人。I'm not much of a risk-taker. 我不喜欢冒险。Portraying a famous actress was not much of a stretch for the popular movie star.饰演一位著名的女演员对这位当红电影明星来说不在话下。Rogers was not much of a gambler. When he bet on the horses, he almost always lost.罗杰斯赌运不是很好,他赌马几乎总是输。Potential problems of celebrity status are not much of a determent to those seeking limelight.成名带来的潜在问题不会使那些寻求名人地位的人却步。He's not much of a companion for me.他和我不大合得来。You're not much of a TV addict, as I remember.我记得你不是怎么太迷电视的。Her new boyfriend's not much of a catch really, is he?她的新男朋友和她不太般配,是吧?He's not much of a talker.他不健谈。I'm not much of a musician. I just like to diddle around.我还不是个音乐家,我只不过喜欢玩弄乐器。I'm not much of a musician, I just like to diddle around.我不是什么音乐家,只是瞎摆弄乐器而已。He is not much of a surgeon.他并不是一个高明的外科医生。It's not much of a career, you may think.你可能想这根本算不上是一份职业。There is not much of a story to it, but the acting is wonderful.这作品没有多少情节,但演得极好。I don't think you'll persuade David to come along to tonight's meeting - he's not much of a joiner.我认为你不可能说服大卫来参加今晚的会议——他可不是社团活跃分子。He's not much of a reader. 他不怎么喜欢读书。I'm not much of a detective, am I?我不是一个好侦探,对吗?She's not much of a conversationalist.她算不上一个很健谈的人。I'm not much of a dancer, I'm afraid.我恐怕不怎么会跳舞。Playing a budding opera star was not much of a stretch for this classically trained singer.饰演一位崭露头角的歌剧明星对这个受过古典音乐训练的歌手而言不是什么难事。




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