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词汇 pride
例句 His chest swelled with pride as he accepted the award.他领奖时自豪地挺着胸脯。The young man recited his poems with a touch of pride.那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。The sight of her son holding the trophy filled her with pride. 看到儿子捧着奖杯,她充满了自豪。Todd's magnificent Rolls Royce had been his pride and joy for many years.许多年来,托德那辆气派的劳斯莱斯车是他的快乐和骄傲。They managed to salvage some pride with a late goal.他们凭终场前的一粒进球挽回了一些面子。The novel is about a family consumed with pride and vanity.这部小说讲述一个家族在傲慢和虚荣中衰败的故事。She spoke with pride about her son's achievements.她自豪地讲述了儿子的成就。If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job.如果你对自己的工作没有职业自豪感,那可能是入错了行。Although national pride is important to the prime minister, he does not wrap himself in the flag as his predecessor used to do.虽然国家自豪感对首相来说至关重要,但他并没有像他的前任那样表达强烈的爱国情感。His words dented her pride and left her speechless.他的话伤到了她的自尊心,使她哑口无言。Vanity and pride were his two worst character defects.虚荣和傲慢是他的两个最严重的性格缺陷。Bolton's famous football team was the pride of the town.博尔顿著名的足球队是该镇的骄傲。Alik's words filled her heart with pride.亚利克的话让她心感自豪。Her eyes sparkled with pride.她的眼中显出骄傲的神色。It would be stupid to refuse through pride.出于自尊而拒绝是愚蠢的。We definitely wanted to salvage some pride for British tennis.我们当然想为英国网球挽回一些尊严。These people take fierce pride in their independence.这些人为他们的独立感到极其自豪。He is puffed up with pride when they gave him his medal.当他们向他颁发奖章时,他显得得意扬扬。As I manager, I pride myself on getting results.作为经理,我为我取得的成绩感到自豪。His mother looked at him with affection and pride.他的母亲看着他,眼神里充满了爱和自豪。He felt such pride walking his little daughter down the street.他陪着小女儿在街上走,感到非常自豪。She took pride in her children's quirks and individuality, and made no effort to try to change them.她为自己孩子的怪癖和个性而得意,不设法改变他们。Now they puffed with pride.现在他们趾高气扬。The incident punctured his pride.这一事件损伤了他的自尊心。Astring of rejections had really wounded his pride.一连串的拒绝确实伤害了他的自尊心。His pride may still be his downfall.他的傲慢可能还会是他败落的原因。Becky's soul smelled with pride and delight at these honours, she saw fortune, fame, fashion before her.蓓基脸上这样光彩,眼见金钱、名誉、地位指日可待,心里说不尽的得意。She expressed pride in her child's achievement.她表达了对孩子成绩的自豪。The bike soon became his pride and joy.这辆自行车很快就成了他的骄傲。The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride.埃米遇见的准妈妈们个个洋溢着自豪和喜悦。She looked at her painting with pride. 她满意地看着自己的画作。The manifesto gives pride of place to job creation.宣言的核心主题是创造就业。We want to restore pride in our public services.我们想重塑我们在公共服务方面的尊严。I didn't mean to hurt your pride.我并不想伤害你的自尊心。He is trying to rekindle pride in his compatriots.他在努力重新激发同胞心中的自豪感。Her husband would have to sacrifice his pride for their family's security.为了家人的安全,她丈夫只好牺牲自己的尊严。She could see her two sons swell with pride.她能看出她的两个儿子充满了骄傲。He smiled with fatherly pride.他带着慈父般的自豪微笑着。We have a renewed sense of pride in our town.我们又一次为我们的镇子感到自豪。They felt justifiable pride in their son.他们觉得有理由为自己的儿子感到自豪。




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