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词汇 price
例句 Cotton rebounded from declines early in the day to end at a higher price.棉花价格在今天较早时下跌之后反弹收高。If you want to sell your home, be realistic about the price.如果你想把房子卖出去,那么价格方面你要实际一点。Considering the bad condition the place is in, the price seems much too high.考虑到这个地方糟糕的状况,这个价格就显得太高了。Her face was a picture when I told her the price.我告诉她价格时她非常惊讶。There's no point in buying a one-way ticket when a round-trip ticket is the same price.和往返票一样价格的话,买单程票就不合算了。The country paid a heavy price for her independence.该国为独立付出了沉重的代价。He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.他用统计表呈现价格的波动情况。There's a big difference in price.价格方面有很大的差距。The government has decided to lift price ceilings on bread and milk.政府决定提高面包和牛奶的最高限价。The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.市场可能会抛售该股票,从而令其股价下跌。The price of bread was doubled, with the inevitable result - riots in the streets of Paris.面包价格提高了一倍,必然结果就是—巴黎街头骚乱。The assistants price the items and stack them on the shelves.售货员给商品标价,然后把它们叠放到货架上。Her success came at a high price. 她为她的成功付出了很大代价。They have kept the price of sugar artificially high and so fattened the company's profits.他们一直人为地使糖的价格居高不下,以此为公司牟利。The builder gave us several price quotations for the new housing complex.建筑商向我们提交了新住宅建筑群的几份报价单。Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence.为获得独立,斯洛文尼亚将不得不付出巨大代价。Do you know what the ruling price of gold is?你知道黄金的时价吗? Apollo's stock price grew more than fiftyfold.阿波罗集团的股票价格上升了五十多倍。People are being deterred by the high price of property and opting to rent.房价太高,人们转而选择租房。The price is so high because crabs are out of season now.螃蟹现已落令,所以价格如此昂贵。Most drive-ins give you two movies for less than the price of one indoors.在大多数汽车影院,花不到一场室内电影的票价就能看两场电影。The speakers are excellent and well worth the sticker price.扬声器很棒,值这个价。Its high price has brought grumbles from some customers.它高昂的价格引来一些顾客的怨言。A firm's market capitalization is equal to the total number of shares outstanding multiplied by its stock price.一家公司的市值等于其流通股票数量乘以股票价格。That's an absolutely ridiculous price for that sweater.那件毛衣贵得太离谱了。The price of gasoline has crept back up to three dollars a gallon.汽油价格缓慢回升到三美元一加仑。The company are offering cut-price deals on many flights.公司推出涉及很多航班的机票打折方案。The salesman dug in his heels and refused to lower the price any further.销售员寸步不让,拒绝把价格再降低一点。Her friendship is a treasure beyond price. 她的友情是无价之宝。The majority of stalls charged a fair price.多数货摊要价比较公道。If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.如果你现在糟蹋自己的身体,年纪大了会吃苦头的。The key focus of the marketing mix will be on price and distribution.营销组合的重点将放在价格与配送上。The painting sold for more than double its estimated sale price.这幅画的成交价是预计售价的两倍多。Some countries suggested that the price of oil be pegged down.一些国家建议应该限定石油价格。The British are paying a price for their obstinacy.英国人为其固执付出了代价。I thought that nothing comes free: everything has its price.我觉得没什么是免费的:所有东西都有价钱。That's the inevitable price indigenous people must pay for advancement.那是当地人为谋求发展所必须付出的无可避免的代价。I knocked his price down to $20.我把他的售价降到二十元。With some embarrassment I asked the price.我有些不好意思地张口问了价。He gagged at the exorbitant price.面对贵得骇人的价格,他犹豫起来。




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