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词汇 再度
例句 Should duty call, he would fill the post again.一旦需要履行义务时,他就会再度出任此职。The people celebrated their leader's return to power.人们欢庆他们的领导人再度执政。The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.赤裸裸的猥亵细节再度充斥了报纸的版面。The plane was repaired and declared ready for service again.飞机经过维修后宣布可以再度投入使用。He opined that the navy would have to start again from the beginning.他认为海军将不得不再度从零开始。When it started again, the war between the two countries had taken a different character.两国间的战争再度爆发时已具有不同的性质。Rioting broke out again last night, and police and soldiers are still struggling to bring the situation under control.昨晚再度爆发骚乱,警察和士兵仍在尽力控制局势。At times the memories returned to torment her.有时,她再度想起往事,又会痛苦万分。After they made the movie, the book got a new lease on life. 拍成电影后,这本书再度风靡起来。The car company is in grave trouble again.这家汽车公司再度陷入严重的困境。We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.我们想再度营造以前坐火车旅行的浪漫和兴奋。He was re-elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.他奇迹般地引导该国度过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当选。There's no way of knowing when the volcano will erupt again.根本无法知道这座火山何时再度爆发。Thompson scored again in the final minutes of the game.汤普森在比赛的最后时刻再度得分。The latest incident is bound to reawaken old hostilities.最近的事件肯定会再度挑起旧日的敌对情绪。The two teams will square off again tomorrow.两队明天将再度交手。If they don't get their finger out the window of opportunity will have closed again.他们要是再不抓紧干起来,机会之窗就会再度关闭。Unemployment has fallen again, although the change is less marked than last month.失业率再度下降,尽管降幅没有上个月明显。He was overwhelmingly re-elected as party leader.他以压倒性多数再度当选为该党领袖。Hull City were held to a second successive draw.赫尔城队再度被逼平。In many cases, people who have been released from prison will break the law again.许多从监狱释放的人会再度犯法。A strong immunity to reinfection develops after one year.一年后会产生强大的免疫力,抵御再度感染。A sudden temperature drop could lead to a new ice age.温度骤降可能导致冰河时代再度到来。Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations.两国官员不久将再度会晤以重启谈判。Simon Mungford has been re-elected as party leader.西蒙·芒福德再度当选为党的领袖。The injured prizefighter refused to rule out the possibility that he could fight again.这位受伤的职业拳击家拒绝排除再度出战的可能性。Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the country.很多人对该国军国主义再度兴风作浪持批判态度。The ship listed again, and she was thrown back across the bunk.再度侧倾,她被抛回来飞过了铺位。The government wishes to avoid further embarrassment over the affair.政府希望避免因这件事再度引起尴尬。Consensus politics could easily come back into fashion.共识政治很可能再度兴起。It looks as if Joey, her old boyfriend, is back in favor again.看来她的前男友乔伊再度得宠了。The pound, which ended last year near its annual low, is expected to come under renewed pressure today.英镑去年年终降到了接近全年最低点的水平,预计今天将再度面临汇价下跌的压力。The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim.袭击者再度凶残地攻击受害人。Both parties agreed to go to arbitration in order to avoid more strikes by the workers.为了避免工人再度罢工,双方同意提请仲裁。The fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.战火平息了两个星期之后,再度爆发。The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again.原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。I know the returned mystery girl.我认识那个再度归来的神秘女孩。The music started up again with a vengeance.音乐再度响起,更加激昂。She sat back down again, grinning broadly.她眉开眼笑地再度坐回座位上。The festival went ahead, despite renewed protests.尽管抗议再度爆发,节庆活动还是继续进行。




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