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词汇 再开
例句 Could you go a little faster? We don't want to miss our plane.你能不能再开快点?我们不想误了航班。The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow with a follow-up on Saturday.会议计划明天举行,周六再开一次跟进会。Ask the waiter to open another bottle of champagne.叫服务员再开一瓶香槟。The library has been reprieved and will remain open for at least another year.这座图书馆暂时保住了,至少还会再开一年。Pull the car further in. 把车再开近一点。Should we open another bottle of wine?我们要不要再开一瓶葡萄酒?It would be like carrying coals to Newcastle if another post office opened in the neighborhood; there are already three now.如果在此附近再开一家邮局,简直是多此一举。现在已经有三家了。I can't decide whether to sell my old car or keep it for another year.我不知道是该卖掉我的旧车还是再开上一年。I don't want to think about what might have happened if he'd been driving any faster.我不愿意去想假如他再开快些会怎么样。The rail company plans to open several new lines over the next five years.铁路公司计划在未来五年再开几条新线路。Don't try any more spoof about me.不要再开我的玩笑了。It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open.社区中心再开下去经济上无法承受。If we want a meeting we'll have to lay it over until next month.如果要开会,我们也得推迟到下个月再开I'm sorry, but the store is closed. We reopen at nine on Monday.对不起,商店现在关门了。我们星期一九点再开The meeting has been postponed until travel arrangements can be finalized.会议被推迟到旅行计划能够定下来再开




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