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词汇 pretense
例句 We tried to keep up the pretense that everything was fine.我们试图装作一切都好的样子。The house was decorated without any pretense of showiness.这房子的装饰一点不带显眼的虚饰。The first time she had called was on the pretense of finding out how Letia was.她第一次打电话来是假装要了解莱希娅是个什么样的人。He spoke without artifice or pretense.他的话里既无诡计,也无假象。Their indifference is only a pretense. 他们的漠不关心只是假象而已。Abandoning any pretense at politeness, they ran for the door.他们抛下虚伪的礼节,直奔门口。I make no pretense of being a history expert. 我没有自诩为史学专家。He called her under/on the pretense of asking about the homework assignment. 他打电话给她,借口说问家庭作业的事情。He abandoned/dropped all pretense at politeness. 他不再装成有礼貌的样子。Their indifference is merely pretense.他们的漠不关心只是假象而已。The two nations kept up an elaborate pretense of warm amity.这两个国家煞费苦心装出热烈友好的假象。She couldn't even make a pretense of liking him. 她不喜欢他,甚至没法装出喜欢他的样子。After my mother left, my father gave up even the pretense of caring for anyone besides himself.母亲走后,父亲连假装关心一下其他人也没有。




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