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They scrimped and saved for years to buy a house.他们精打细算,攒了几年的钱买房子。Buying your own house is a big commitment.自己买房子可是件大事。So this could be the perfect time to buy a home.所以这可能是买房子的绝佳时机。Buying a house had taken all their savings.买房子花掉了他们所有的积蓄。If you're going to buy a house, now's the time to do it.如果你打算买房子,现在就该出手了。Buying a house will be a hedge against inflation.买房子是对付通货膨胀的一种防范手段。We lived in an apartment for several years before buying a house.在买房子之前,我们在公寓里住了好几年。He doesn't stand a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.今年他肯定不能买房子,因为银行已拒绝给他贷款。We lived with my in-laws until we had enough money to buy a house of our own.我们有钱自己买房子之前和公公婆婆住在一起。We put down a deposit on a house.我们支付了买房子的订金。We've been saving for five years to buy a house.为了买房子,我们已储蓄了五年。There is not a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.今年他肯定不能买房子,因为银行已拒绝给他贷款。When the time comes to move out of their apartment, they will have saved up enough money to buy a house.等到该搬出公寓的时候,他们也就攒够买房子的钱了。Don't overspend on your home and expect to get the money back when you sell.不要在买房子上超支并指望以后出售时还能把钱赚回来。Many young couples rent an apartment until they've saved enough money to buy a house.许多年轻夫妇先租住一个公寓套间,直至积攒到足够的钱才自己买房子。The proximity of schools, stores, hospitals, and so on is an important factor when purchasing a house.学校、商店、医院等是否近便,是买房子时应该考虑的一个重要因素。When we bought our house, we did our own conveyancing instead of using a lawyer.买房子时我们自己办理了产权转让手续,没请律师。Several possible buyers have come to view the house.几个想买房子的人已经来看过房子了。She decided that the pluses of owning a home outweighed the minuses.她认定买房子利大于弊。We lived in an apartment building for several years before buying a house..在买房子之前,我们在一栋公寓楼里住了好几年。Since Donald lost his job, the hopes of our buying a house have receded even further.唐纳德失业后,我们买房子的希望变得更渺茫了。We got more than we bargained for when we bought the house. There's so much work to be done!我们买房子时没想到会有这么多问题,要做的事情太多了!They do not have a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend them any money.他们今年没机会买房子,因为银行已拒绝给他们提供贷款。Buying a house can be an exercise in frustration.买房子有时是一桩让人头疼的事情。 |