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词汇 Bank
例句 The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame.世界银行由于在环境保护方面表现不佳而常常遭受诟病。Two men robbed the Central Bank yesterday, escaping with over $1 million.昨天有两名男子抢劫中央银行,抢了一百多万美元逃跑了。Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.报纸上几乎每天都有抢劫银行、入室行窃和拦路抢劫的报道。The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong's largest financial institution.香港银行是香港最大的金融机构。He's been made Head of Security at the Chicago National Bank.他被提升为芝加哥国民银行的保安主管。The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.中央银行获授权公开发行政府债券。Marge works for the Royal Bank of Scotland.玛吉在苏格兰皇家银行工作。The World Bank should pull out of the project.世界银行应从该项目中撤出。The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.中央银行获得授权在公开市场上销售政府债券。The Bank has approached the issue very sensibly.银行很明智地处理了这个问题。The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England.尽管英格兰银行四次出手干预,但英镑走势依旧疲软。This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates.这一部分将试图说明英格兰银行是如何运作的。He was destined for a career in the Bank of England.他注定要在英格兰银行开始职业生涯。The World Bank is being urged to write off debts from developing countries.一些机构正敦促世界银行免除发展中国家的债务。The government has asked the World Bank for help with its spiralling national debt.由于国债激增,政府已向世界银行求助。The World Bank will only agree to make this loan if certain conditions are met.只有满足某些条件,世界银行才会同意发放这笔贷款。He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.他希望因为他在英格兰银行的工作而被封为爵士。The Bank of England seems determined to wind up the company.英格兰银行似乎决心要关闭这家公司。After qualifying, she joined the NatWest Bank as a corporate advisor.她取得资格后就成为了国民威斯敏斯特银行的一名公司顾问。The European Investment Bank will provide finance for a variety of regional initiatives.欧洲投资银行将为许多地区性开发项目提供资金。Share prices increased amid speculation that the Bank of England would cut interest rates.在对英格兰银行会降低利率的一片猜测声中,股价上扬了。The Bank of England's announcement gave the stock market a lift today.今天英格兰银行的公告让股市备受鼓舞。Bank clerks are usually rapid calculators.银行职员通常是速算之材。In much of euroland, inflation is already double the ceiling set by the European Central Bank.在很多欧元区,通货膨胀率已经达到欧洲中央银行规定上限的两倍。Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is essential.银行与基金会之间的紧密协作是至关重要的。The World Bank hopes that these emergency measures will rescue the Zambian economy.世界银行希望这些紧急措施能挽救赞比亚的经济。The Treasury keeps the Bank of England informed about what it is doing on fiscal policy.财政部随时向英格兰银行通报财政政策制定的情况。The money had been secreted in a Swiss Bank account.这笔钱被藏在一个瑞士银行账户里。He is an employee of Fuji Bank.他是富士银行的雇员。The Bank would have to raise interest rates in the coming months to bring the borrowing binge to an end.英格兰银行将不得不在未来几个月里提高利率以终结贷款热潮。Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.英格兰银行官员仍然坚持说英镑不久就会恢复稳定,但结果灾难爆发了。It would be up to the Bank of England to keep the lid on inflation.控制通货膨胀是英格兰银行的责任。The Central Bank has lowered interest rates by 2 percent.中央银行已将利率调低了两个百分点。Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank.她的钱存在邮政储蓄银行里。The stock market was buoyed by comments from the Bank of England chairman.英格兰银行董事长的评论振奋了股市。The project is being backed by a letter of credit from Lasalle Bank.这个项目有拉萨尔银行的信用状支持。The Bank has approached the issue in a practical way.银行已经实际解决了这个问题。The country had been declared ineligible for World Bank lending.该国被宣布没有资格获得世界银行的贷款。Bank managers—like tax inspectors—do not really like being thought of as ogres.银行经理像税务稽查员一样,不喜欢被人们认为是妖魔化身。Bank robberies, burglaries, and muggings are reported daily in the press.每天都有媒体报道银行劫案、入室盗窃和拦路抢劫。




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