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词汇 at the ready
例句 Soldiers stood around with weapons at the ready.士兵们手拿武器站着待命。Two police officers advanced, with guns at the ready.两名警察往前走,手里拿着枪。I kept my camera at the ready in case the bird reappeared.我把照相机准备好,等那只鸟再出现。He pulled back on the safety and held the gun at the ready.他打开保险,端起枪准备射击。He stood by the phone, pencil at the ready.他准备好了铅笔,站在电话旁。The tourists kept their cameras at the ready.游客们准备好相机随时拍照。Soldiers came charging through the forest, guns at the ready.荷枪实弹的士兵穿过林区冲了上来。She materialized at his side, notebook at the ready.她突然在他身旁冒了出来,连笔记本都准备好了。Their audiences are primed and at the ready.他们的观众都已经准备就绪。Tamsin materialized at her side, notebook at the ready.塔姆辛从她身旁冒了出来,且备好了笔记本。He is holding a gun at the ready.他端著枪准备射击。Reporters surrounded him with notebooks and pencils at the ready.记者们围着他,并拿起笔记本和铅笔作好记录的准备。Several reporters were outside, microphones at the ready.几名记者就在外面,手里拿着麦克风。The troops advanced with their guns at the ready.荷枪实弹的士兵们向前进发。He approached the counter, chequebook at the ready.他准备好支票簿,走近柜台。




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