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词汇 at the side of
例句 The rainwater ran along the gutter into a grating at the side of the road.雨水沿著排水沟流入了路边的阴沟格栅。There was a card tacked to the wall at the side of the photograph.墙上在照片的旁边钉着一张贺卡。Mary parked the car at the side of the road.玛丽把车停在路边。The car rolled to a stop at the side of the road.汽车在路边停了下来。She dumped her old car at the side of the road.她把自己的旧汽车抛在路边。People were standing three deep at the side of the road to watch the procession.三层人站在路边看游行。He was fiddling with a screwdriver at the side of the skylight.他在天窗旁边摆弄一把螺丝刀。The car was stopped at the side of the road with its hazard lights flashing.汽车被迫停在路边,车上的危险信号灯在闪。My suit is quite shabby at the side of yours.跟你的套装相比我的这套太寒酸了。She rammed into a stationary vehicle at the side of the road.她撞到路边一辆停着的车上。A rusty old car had been abandoned at the side of the road.路边有一辆被丢弃的生锈的旧车。The thugs beat him with baseball bats and left him for dead at the side of the road.一帮流氓用棒球棍殴打他,把他扔在路边等死。The snowbank at the side of the road provided a shelter from the piercing wind.路边的雪墙挡住了刺骨的寒风。There's no town here, just a cluster of shops, cabins and motels at the side of the highway.这儿没有城镇,只在公路边上有一片商店、小木屋和汽车旅馆。Deborah stood at the side of the stage, paralyzed with fear.德博拉站在舞台边怕得呆住了。We noticed a car at the side of the road with its flashers on.我们注意到一辆汽车停在路边,开着闪光灯。There was another entrance at the side of the building.大楼的侧面有另一个入口。I stood at the side of the road and waved my arms to warn other drivers of the danger.我站在路旁挥动双臂,警告其他驾驶员有危险。The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues.未表演的男演员们坐在舞台边可看到全场的位置,等待着上场的提示。Two men were sitting at the side of the road.两个男人坐在路边。A few people were brambling at the side of the road.有几个人正在路边采摘黑莓。We came on an injured animal lying at the side of the road.我们偶然发现路边躺着一只受伤的动物。He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house.他把自行车推进了房子旁的小巷中。The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues.还未轮到演出的演员坐在舞台旁边能看得一清二楚的地方,等待着他们的出场提示。She dumped her old car at the side of the road.她把旧汽车扔在公路旁。The refugees slept in makeshift tents at the side of the road.逃难者睡在路边临时搭建的帐篷里。She was hiding in the bushes at the side of the lane.她躲藏在道边的灌木丛中。He pulled in at the side of the road.他把车开到路边停下。Bags of garbage are pyramided at the side of the basement entrance.一袋袋垃圾堆在地下室入口处。




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