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例句 These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.这些人大多是俄罗斯东正教信徒。The speech was predominantly about tax cuts.这个演讲的内容主要与减税有关。She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings.她主要是跳舞,但也唱歌。The people in that neighborhood are predominantly older.那个街区的居民绝大部分是老年人。His audience consists predominantly of groups of rugby-club revellers.他的观众主要是橄榄球俱乐部里那些纵酒作乐的人。The small farm communities are predominantly conservative.农场小社区大都比较保守。The character Shylock is a Jew living in a predominantly Christian society.夏洛克这一角色是个在基督徒占绝大多数的社会中生活的犹太人。Business is conducted predominantly by phone.生意主要是通过电话来做的。The women employed in the mines were predominantly young and unmarried.矿里雇用的女性大部分都很年轻,没有结婚。What disturbs me most is the racial double standard that exists in foreign policy: Predominantly white countries are given aid and attention while predominantly non-white countries are ignored.最让我不安的是对外政策中的种族双重标准:以白人为主的国家获得帮助和重视,而非白人为主的国家却遭受忽视。Although it is predominantly a teenage problem, acne can occur in early childhood.虽然粉刺多发于青少年时期,但也可能在刚进入童年时期就出现。As a civil engineer, Susan will be competing in a predominantly male profession.作为土木工程师,苏珊将在一个男子占统治地位的职业领域里奋斗。The city's population is predominantly Irish.该城市的人口绝大多数是爱尔兰人。Until the men went away to war, employment and sport were predominantly male preserves.在男人去战场以前,就业和体育运动一直由男性主导。The condition predominantly affects middle-aged or elderly females.这种疾病主要见于中老年妇女。The landscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance.这里的风景看上去还是以田园风光为主。Our economy is predominantly capitalist.我们的经济中,资本主义经济占主导地位。The workforce is predominantly male.劳动力中男性占绝大多数。




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