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词汇 brokers
例句 The sudden fall on the stockmarket sent brokers into a spin.股市暴跌使经纪人惊慌失措。Hudson had assigned a detective to case the pawn-brokers.赫德森指派了一名侦探去侦察那些当铺老板。Stock brokers do not fear that the big market makers will refuse to carry out the business.股票经纪人不怕做市商巨头会拒绝开展这项业务。Many white-collar workers, like stock brokers and investment bankers, find themselves in the unemployment lines.许多白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades.有很多代理商被指控在商品贸易中欺骗顾客。Most of those shares were purchased from brokers.大部分的股份是从经纪人手中购得的。The chartering of ships is usually done through the intermediary of brokers.租船通常是由经纪人从中撮合的。Brown-nosing the power brokers won't save you.拍那些政治掮客的马屁也救不了你。Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company.几位经纪人对该公司前景的看法已经有所改变。Double-digit gains in home prices draw happy amens from a chorus of home builders and mortgage brokers.房价的两位数增长引得房屋建筑商和抵押贷款经纪人高兴地齐声叫好。




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