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词汇 banged
例句 I thought the door was open and banged right into it.我以为门是开着的,砰的一声撞个正着。In the distance, a door banged.远处一扇门发出砰的一声。The bedroom door banged shut.卧室的门砰的一声关上了。He banged about the house.他在屋内乒乒乓乓地折腾。She banged her fist angrily on the table.她气愤地一拳打在桌子上。He banged his head on the car as he was getting in.他上汽车时撞了一下头。He banged the front door behind him as he left.他走的时候砰的一声关上了前门。Dan banged on her door and rattled the handle.丹砰砰地敲她的门,还把门把手拽得咯咯作响。I banged my head.我重重地撞了一下头。Protestors banged on the sides of the lorry and broke customs seals on the doors.抗议者们猛砸卡车的侧面,并且撕掉了车门上的海关封条。I banged my shin on a tree stump.我小腿磕到了树桩上。She's terrified of him and won't make a statement until he's banged up in the cells.她很怕他,除非把他关进监狱,否则她是不会作任何供述的。The chair fell over and banged the wall.椅子翻倒,撞在了墙上。He banged his fist loudly on the table.他的拳头重重地砸在桌上。The engine spat and banged.发动机发出劈啪声,然后是砰的一声巨响。How did your truck get all banged up?你的卡车是怎么撞坏的?The driver banged the clutch in.司机用力把离合器杆推进去。I banged into the shelf so hard that I got an ugly purple bruise on my hip.我在搁板上重重地撞了一下,臀部被撞出很大一块乌青块。He banged up the car backing out of the garage.他从车库往外倒车的时候把车撞坏了。The doors banged together.两扇门膨的一声合上了。He banged the table with his fist and the glasses jumped.他用拳头猛砸桌子,杯子都跳了起来。The carpenter banged away with his hammer all afternoon.木匠整个下午都在用锤子叮叮当当敲个不停。I banged on the door for several minutes but still couldn't wake them.我使劲敲了好几分钟时间门,但是仍没能叫醒他们。I banged my leg on the table.我的腿撞在了桌子上。I banged my head getting into the car.我上车时碰了头。He banged up the car.他撞坏了汽车。He banged the ball over the fence.他用力把球击出了围栏。The wind banged a door somewhere.有扇门被风吹得砰的一下关上了。She banged on the table.她用手猛敲桌子。She banged his dinner on the table.她把他的晚餐砰地摔在桌上。She fell and banged her elbow.她摔倒在地,撞伤了胳膊肘。She carelessly banged out a few melodies on the piano.她漫不经心地用钢琴演奏了几首曲子。He asked if I'd got my black eye in a fight - I told him the prosaic truth that I'd banged my head on a door.他问我眼睛是不是在打架时给打青的——我告诉他事情很简单,是头撞在门上弄的。He banged a teapot on the table.他把茶壶往桌子上一摔。Jess came flying round the corner and banged straight into me.杰斯从拐角处飞跑过来,和我撞了个满怀。She'd fainted and banged her head.她晕倒了,把脑袋给磕了。The pipes banged as the heat came on.来暖气时管道发出砰砰的响声。The movers banged the mirror and broke it.搬运工粗手重脚地搬镜子,结果把它打碎了。Louisa banged the door shut and leaned against it, panting.路易莎砰的一声把门关上,背靠着门,喘着粗气。With a despairing cry the woman banged her head against the wall.随著一声绝望的呼叫,那女人把头往墙上猛撞。




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