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The lawyer sifted out the relevant facts of the case.律师筛选出了案件的相关事实。We sifted through the ashes of our ruined lives.我们的生活遭受毁灭化为灰烬,我们在灰烬中探寻。We sifted the information carefully to find a clue that would help us.我们仔细研究资料以便找出对我们有所帮助的线索。Investigators sifted through the twisted wreckage of the plane.调查人员在扭曲的飞机残骸中仔细地检查。Rescuers sifted through the rubble searching for survivors.救援人员清理瓦砾寻找幸存者。Police sifted through the rubble looking for clues.警察在瓦砾中仔细寻找线索。Heavy soot sifted in through the open window.烟灰通过开着的窗子大量飘落进来。As he packed, he sifted through the detritus of a failed relationship.收拾行装时,他细细回顾了这段失败的恋情留下的点点滴滴。The police sifted for clues.警方详查了线索。Brook has sifted the evidence and summarises it clearly.布鲁克已经仔细审查过证据并将其总结得一清二楚。The police sifted the evidence in hopes of finding a clue.警方仔细筛查证据,希望找到线索。She sifted through her purse.她仔细翻看自己的钱包。Add two cups of sifted flour to one cup of sugar and mix.把两杯筛过的面粉加一杯糖后拌和。Workers sifted through the wreckage of the building, searching for bodies.工作人员在建筑物废墟中仔细搜寻尸体。They sifted through the rubble, searching for signs of life.他们在碎石堆里仔细寻找生命的迹象。Dust the cake with sifted icing sugar.在蛋糕上撒过筛的糖粉。The lawyer sifted through the hundreds of pages of testimony.律师对几百页的证词进行了筛查。Police sifted for clues in countries as far-flung as America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.警察远赴美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰等国去筛查线索。Gold is sifted from sand.金从沙里淘出来。Firefighters sifted through the debris.消防员在废墟里仔细查找。She sifted through the debris of her broken marriage.她努力寻找破裂婚姻所剩的余情。The dust sifted in through the cracks in the window.灰尘从窗户的裂缝里钻了进来。Brook has sifted through the evidence and summarizes it clearly.布鲁克已经仔细审查了证据,并将其总结得一清二楚。 |