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词汇 ban
例句 The ban will affect all public and work premises.该禁令将会影响到所有公共和工作场所。If you follow that idea to its logical conclusion, we'd have to ban free speech altogether.如果把那种想法的逻辑推理到极致,那我们就必须要完全禁止言论自由了。Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.到目前为止,政府仅仅对美国船只实施了禁令。Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。Another measure would ban the filming of movies by pirates in cinemas.另一措施将会禁止盗版者在影院中翻拍电影。He followed an occupation that was under ban with the bourgeoisie.他从事一项被市民阶级所鄙弃的行当。I believe it is time to ban the advertising of tobacco altogether.我认为到了彻底禁止烟草广告的时候了。The player has yet to receive official confirmation of his four-week ban.这位选手尚未收到禁赛四周的正式确认函。She ranted on for hours about the smoking ban.她唠唠叨叨抱怨了半天禁烟令。The town voted in favor of a proposition calling for a ban on smoking in public spaces.镇上的人们投票支持在公共场合禁烟的法律修正议案。The government plans to lift its ban on cigar imports.政府打算解除雪茄进口的禁令。There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution.人们不断要求地方政府取缔卖淫。The judge will ban sketch artists from the courtroom.法官将禁止肖像素描专家进入法庭。The group circulated petitions calling for a federal law to ban handguns.该团体在散发要求联邦法律禁用手枪的请愿书。The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory.政府禁止出售象牙。The General lifted a ban on political parties.将军解除了党派的禁令。They're hoping to get the ban lifted by the end of the month.他们希望在月底前取消该禁令。The ban is intended to be permanent.禁令将永久生效。The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs.政府贸然禁止出口未加工过的原木。We are pushing for a ban on nuclear testing.我们正竭力要求禁止核试验。Scientists reject a total ban for fear it will undermine efforts to stop the spread of malaria.科学家们反对全面禁止,以免削弱为防止疟疾扩散所作的努力。The district is calling for a voluntary ban on using wood-burning stoves, in order to improve air quality.为改善空气质量,该区呼吁大家主动停用烧木柴的炉子。At last they've lifted the ban on jeans at the club.最终他们取消了在俱乐部禁止穿牛仔裤的规定。The ban on Sunday shopping could be on its way out before Christmas.圣诞节前周日不许购物的禁令可能被取消。They threatened to ban the book.他们威胁要禁止该书。The police are more than likely to ban the match.警方很可能会禁止这场比赛。There are plans to ban circuses with performing animals.有计划禁止马戏团使用动物进行表演。The city has temporarily lifted its ban on smoking in bars.市政府临时撤销了不得在酒吧吸烟的禁令。The biggest hurt eventually comes to the countries that themselves enforce such a ban.结果蒙受最大损害的正是那些本身实施此种禁令的国家。Trying to ban something they haven't seen is crass stupidity.试图取缔他们还没见过的东西是愚蠢透顶的。Unless the ban is watertight, EU laws will overturn it.这条禁令除非是十分严密,否则,欧盟法律会把它推翻的。Good books have a way of outliving those who want to ban them.优秀的书籍总是比那些想要禁掉它们的人更长寿。The ban is intended to be permanent.这项禁令将会是永久性的。If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban.如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee's foot during the supercup final.他在超级杯决赛中踩踏裁判的脚后,于上周收到了书面的禁赛通知。How will the proposed ban affect farmers?计划中的禁令将会对农民们产生怎样的影响?A one-year ban is mandatory.必须执行一年的禁令。The town expected protests, but the smoking ban actually turned out to be a nonevent.原以为这个镇子会有人抗议,但事实上禁烟令没有引起什么大的反响。Most employees welcome the idea of a ban on smoking.大多数员工赞成禁烟。We're hoping that Europe will follow the US's lead and ban all use of these poisonous gases.我们希望欧洲会仿效美国,全面禁止使用这些毒气。




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