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词汇 police officer
例句 Killing a police officer is something that's taken very seriously and rightfully so.弑警被视为非常严重的罪行,而且理应如此。It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the Force.警官很难在警队之外结交到朋友。The police officer was covered by her colleagues while she ran towards the gunman's hideout.警察在她同伴的掩护下奔向持枪歹徒藏身之处。A police officer arrived on the scene and took up the chase.一名警察赶到现场,开始追捕。He was disguised as a police officer.他伪装成一个警官。The police officer was assigned to look after the only witness.这名警官被指派照看唯一的证人。A police officer told the court that he had seen Brown leaving the house.一名警官告诉法庭他看见布朗离开那座房子。Obviously if a police officer offends it's a fairly serious matter.显然,警察如果犯罪那可是件相当严重的事情。After the police officer had taken down their particulars, the two men explained what had happened.警察将这两名男子的个人资料记下来之后,他们便开始解释所发生的事情。She wound the car window down to speak to the police officer.她把汽车窗玻璃摇下来和警察说话。The police officer shepherded everyone away and padlocked the church gates.那名警察带大家离开后,用挂锁把教堂大门锁上了。He and the police officer exchanged fire. 他和警察交火。If a police officer stops your car, be respectful to him, but don't grovel.如果有警察把你的车拦下来,对他要有礼貌,但别奴颜婢膝。The police officer found guilty of being drunk on duty was dismissed for gross misconduct.这名警察被发现酒后值勤,他因这一严重的失职行为而被开除。When the rogue saw the police officer he sheered off.那流氓看见警官就避开了。The police officer flashed his badge.警察晃了晃他的警徽。The police officer noted down the names of all the people present during the incident.警官记下了事故中所有在场人员的名字。The police officer motioned for me to pull over.警察示意我靠边停车。He gave up his job as a police officer after his partner was killed.他在搭档被杀后辞去了警官的工作。I think I saw a police officer somewhere hereabouts.我想我在附近的什么地方看见过一名警官。It's a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer.冒充警察是很严重的犯罪行为。It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the force.警官很难与警队外面的人交朋友。The police officer had him up against the wall, both arms behind his back.警察把他双手别在身后按到墙上。He was found guilty of assaulting a police officer.他被判处袭警罪。Basil was summonsed for wounding a police officer.巴兹尔因伤害警察受到传唤。A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect.一名好警察若是忽略这一重要方面,就是没有尽好自己的本分。She bribed the police officer into letting her go free.她贿赂警官释放她。Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver's license.任何一位警察都可以要求查看开车者的驾驶执照。The police officer was busied with his official business.警官忙于公务。The police officer was killed in the line of duty.这位警察在值勤时被杀害。Every San Francisco police officer understands the realities of policing this city.旧金山每一名警察都明白在该市巡查治安的现实状况。The police officer grabbed him, but he managed to tear himself loose/free. 警察抓住了他,但是他挣脱了。The police officer is privately in league with some crooks.那警察暗中和一些无赖勾结。He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.他因冒充警察而被逮捕。He told them he was a police officer and showed them his badge.他告诉他们自己是警察,并给他们看了证章。The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.那名警察说他逮捕了那个男子后随即发生了扭打。A plainclothes police officer escorted the surprised Frenchman out of the building.一位便衣警察护送那位惊讶的法国人走出大楼。He tried to pay off a police officer.他试图买通一位警官。The police officer dismounted from his horse(或horseback).警官下了马。Harmon is charged with impersonating a police officer.哈曼被控假冒警察。




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