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词汇 police force
例句 They admitted that there were dishonest officers in the police force.他们承认警察队伍里有品行不端者。A vigilant police force helps to control crime.一支警惕著的警察队伍有助于遏制犯罪。The local police force is considerably below strength.地方警察部队的人数空缺得相当多。They wanted the army reduced to a police force.他们想把这支队伍降级为一支警察部队。The police force is being manipulated for political ends.有人为了政治目的在操纵警察部门。Claims of corruption within the police force were denied.警察内部腐败的说法遭到了否认。The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.法国内政部长对一起涉及秘密警察部队所扮演角色的丑闻进行了干预。Several women officers have complained about sexist attitudes in the police force.一些女警投诉警察中性别歧视的态度。The majority of people still do not believe we should arm our police force.大部分人仍然不认为我们应当为警察配备武器。There were openings in the police force.警察部门有职位空缺。People have a romantic idea of the police force.人们对警察存有幻想。The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his time in the police force.书里满篇都是他在警队里发生的趣事。Only certain members of the police force are allowed to carry arms.只有某些警察可以携带武器。Action is being taken to root out corruption in the police force.正在采取措施根除警察队伍里的腐败现象。Many people have lost faith in the police force.许多人已对警方失去信任。One phone call and half the city's police force will be around to arrest you.只要打个电话,警察就会倾城而动过来抓你。She is a detective on the police force.她是警察队伍的一名警探。He wouldn't last five minutes in the police force - it's far too tough for him.他在警察队伍里呆不了多久——他受不了那份苦。The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.协议将允许把叛军收编入一支新的国家警备部队。The Texas Rangers were the oldest police force in the U.S.得克萨斯州巡警乃是美国最早的警察部队。Corruption has corroded our confidence in the police force.腐败现象损害了我们对警察机关的信任。A few bent coppers can give the whole police force a bad name.几个贪赃枉法的警察足以给整个警察部门带来坏名声。Two years after joining the police force, he was put in charge of the department's records.他加入警察部队两年后,被调去负责部门的档案记录。Confidence in the city's police force has hit rock bottom.市民对警察的信心已降到了最低点。The post carried great prestige within the police force.这个职位在警察系统内很受尊重。The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.警方承诺向所有警员提供均等机会。The police force introduced a new advertising campaign, in an attempt to bring more recruits in from ethnic minorities.警察部门推行了一个新的广告宣传活动,试图从少数民族中招收新成员。In the police force we have to do everything by the rulebook.在警察部队中我们一切都得按规则办。The police force has had its image severely battered by the commission's findings.委员会的调查结果使警察的形象受到严重的损害。It's bad enough to have anyone joke about such a serious matter but a member of the police force should know better.拿这么严肃的事情开玩笑已经够糟的了,身为一名警察更不应该这样做。The crime rate is rising rapidly and the police force is overstretched.犯罪率急剧上升,警力已不堪重负。The police force here is answerable only to the governor of the colony.这儿的警察队伍只对殖民地总督负责。Special constables provide part-time assistance for the regular police force.特别警察部分时间为正规警察部队提供协助。The local police force has signed up some new recruits.当地警方签约雇用了一些新警员。The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.协议将允许把反叛者收编进一支新的国家警备部队中。When you are in the police force, the night shift is always busiest.当警察上夜班总是最忙的。Corruption in the police force is rampant, but authorities are turning a blind eye.警察部门腐败猖獗,但当局对此却视而不见。She had served the police force faithfully for so many years.她在警察部门忠心耿耿工作了很多年。They hired a private police force to patrol the neighbourhood.他们雇佣了私人警察在小区巡逻。A new police force was formed from the remnants of the army.新的警察部队是由军队的余部组建起来的。




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