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词汇 强壮
例句 They were young and strong and fearless.他们年轻强壮,无所畏惧。He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.他希望他的儿子们能长得像他一样强壮、阳刚而又健美。You have an advantage over her, because you are stronger.你比她有优势,因为你更强壮She was imprisoned within his strong arms.她被他强壮的手臂搂着。Three or four sets of curls every other day will give you an impressive pair of guns.隔天做三四组前臂举重练习可以打造强壮的肱二头肌。It was a delight to see him so fit and healthy.看到他身体这么强壮和健康真让人高兴。She's going to be fine. She always was pretty strong.她会好的。她一直都很强壮He was told by the beefy bouncers that he couldn't go in.那些强壮的保镖告诉他不能进去。It's a serious disease, but he's very strong - I think he'll pull through.他的病情严重,但是他很强壮——我相信他能挺过来的。Paediatricians and health professionals think it is best to have a big, strong, bonny baby.儿科医生和健康专业人士都认为最好生个个头大、强壮的胖宝宝。Her burly boyfriend elbowed him into the gutter.她那个强壮的男友把他推到了排水沟里。She's still not strong enough to do any of the heavy jobs.她的体格还不够强壮,无法应付任何一项繁重的工作。She has gone from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.她从一个健康、强壮、爱好运动的年轻女性变成了一个跛子。Her injuries were horrifying. Only her determination and robust constitution pulled her through.她的伤势很严重,只是凭着坚强的意志和强壮的体格才挺过来的。Her sleeves were rolled up, showing her strong, freckled arms.她的袖子卷起,露出她那强壮的、长有色斑的手臂。Most of the able-bodied young men were in the forces.大多数体格强壮的年轻人都参军了。It's such a big powerful dog.它是一条如此强壮的大狗。He has a strong, muscular build. 他体格强壮,肌肉发达。I feared I wouldn't be able to control such a strong horse.我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。Peter is strong, good looking, and very sexy.彼得强壮英俊,非常性感。She felt herself growing stronger day by day. 她觉得自己一天天强壮了起来。All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.特罗洛普家的所有男孩都是体格强壮、身材高大。What is it that keeps a cowboy looking strong, young and ready for another roundup?是什么使牛仔总是看起来强壮又年轻,而且随时能够把牛赶到一起?His brawny arms glistened with sweat.强壮的胳膊上有亮晶晶的汗。You need to be very fit to hike the Inca Trail.徒步印加古道必须具备强壮的体魄。He has kept himself fit with physical exercise so though he's reduced in weight he's very strong still.他通过锻炼保持身体健康,因此即便他体重减轻了,但依旧很强壮He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs.他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?.看医生的女性多于男性。也许男性更强壮或者顾虑要少一些?Plants must be strong enough to survive transplantation.植物要足够强壮才能在移植的时候存活下来。In his portrait, Donlevy is a fine figure of a man.在他的肖像画中,唐利维是个体形强壮的男子。Strong obliques (side abdominal muscles) support the lower back and help prevent back pain.强壮的斜肌(腹侧肌肉)可支持背部下方,帮助防止背痛。The robust and pestilential grey squirrel thrived in the area while the red squirrel disappeared.这种体格强壮、具破坏性的灰松鼠在这一地区大量繁殖,而红松鼠则消失了。It took four strong men to lift the piano.要四个强壮男子才抬得动这架钢琴。I'm not strong enough to fight him.和他打我还不够强壮He wished he was more muscular.他希望自己更强壮些。Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮的雏鸟。He is very strong, not but that he will catch cold sometimes.他身体很强壮,然而有时难免要患感冒。He is strong and muscular in build.他体格强壮,肌肉发达。The man's strong legs bestrode a great brute horse.那个男人两条强壮的大腿跨在一匹高大暴烈的马上。In her willingness to help them, she quite forgot that she wasn't as strong as she had been.她很想帮助他们,完全忘了自己已经不像以前那么强壮了。




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