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词汇 强忍
例句 Choking back my anger, I tried to speak calmly.强忍怒气,尽量平静地说话。Paul bit back an angry reply.保罗把愤怒的回答强忍回去。He bit back a sharp retort.强忍着没有反唇相讥。I bit back a scream of terror.强忍着恐惧,没叫出声来。He endured the pain of his wounds with great stoicism.他以极大的克制强忍住伤口的剧痛。She fought back the tears.强忍住眼泪。Her eyes smoldered with anger.她的眼神中透着强忍的愤怒。I had to bite back a yelp of surprise.我只好强忍住,没惊叫出来。He suppressed a wince as motion renewed the pain.他一动之下又疼了起来,但他强忍着没有皱眉。He swallowed the sob that welled up inside.强忍下心中涌起的伤感。Mary bit her lip and fought back her tears.玛丽咬着嘴唇强忍住眼泪。From the school yard came the exuberant screams that the kids had bottled up in class.从学校操场传来孩子们在课上强忍了多时的欢快呼啸声。He was choking back tears as he talked about his late wife.谈到已故的妻子时,他强忍住眼泪。She bit her lip to hold back the tears.她咬着嘴唇强忍住眼泪。Somehow I had the restraint not to tell Peter that.我还是强忍着没把那件事告诉彼得。She spoke with difficulty, choking back her tears.她哽咽着强忍住眼泪,费劲地说着。Her lips tightened to keep back the angry words.她抿紧双唇,强忍着不发脾气。He bit back his disappointment.强忍着失望之情没有说出来。She struggled to choke back her anger as she listened to their criticisms.强忍着怒火听他们的批评。She resisted the urge to kiss him.强忍着想吻他的冲动。She struggled to hold back a laugh. 强忍着没笑出声来。He looked ready to explode but then he swallowed his gall.他看来快要发作了,可是随即又把心头的怒火强忍了下去。He fought the urge to cry/laugh.强忍着没有哭/笑出来。Unhurt, but a bit shaken, she was trying not to cry.虽安然无恙,但受了点惊吓,她强忍住不哭出来。She was bent over with suppressed laughter.她弯下腰强忍着笑。She had to blink back her tears before she continued her story.她不得不强忍眼泪,继续讲述自己的经历。She resisted an urge to scream.强忍着才没出声尖叫。She refrained from scolding her child until the company left.强忍着不责骂自己的孩子,直到客人们离去。I suppressed a strong urge to yawn.强忍着不打呵欠。I just managed to stifle a giggle at the absurd idea.听到这个荒谬的想法,我强忍着没让自己笑出来。Nancy forced back tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of all those people.南希强忍泪水。她不会在那些人面前哭的。He swallowed back the lump in his throat.强忍住喉头的哽咽。He suppressed a wince as the pain returned.他又疼了起来,但他强忍着没有龇牙咧嘴。He had to fight back tears of frustration.他不得不强忍住失意的泪水。He bit back a sigh of impatience.强忍住了不耐烦的叹息。She suppressed a mirthless smile.强忍住苦笑。The meal was overcooked, but I managed to choke down a few bites.饭煮过了头,但我还是强忍着吃了几口。It's healthier to release frustration than to bottle it up.受到挫折之后发泄一场比强忍着对健康较为有益。I had to make a conscious/deliberate effort not to laugh.我不得不强忍着,不笑出来。Wade resisted an impulse to smile.韦德强忍住想笑的冲动。




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