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The latest education reforms have put extra pressure on teachers who are already hard-pressed.最新的教育改革给工作强度已经很大的教师增加了额外的压力。The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses.鲸须既韧又轻,而且强度和弹性大,这些特点使其用途广泛。The team had a good workout at practice today.这支队今天的训练强度很大。This device measures the strength of radio signals.这个设备可以测量无线电信号的强度。The noise grew in intensity. 噪声的强度加大了。The zap is as strong as an electric eel's.这种电流跟电鳗释放的强度类似。Within a month she had settled into a moderate exercise regimen.她在一个月内就适应了中等强度的运动治疗。The allies are intensifying their air campaign.联军部队正加大他们的空战强度。The brain learns by adjusting the number and strength of these connections.大脑通过调节这些连结的数目和强度进行学习。A storm of this strength doesn't come round more than once a year.这种强度的风暴一年也就一次。We have several boxes of different strengths.我们有几种不同强度的箱子。A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.一条链子的强度取决于它最薄弱的环节。所以必须观察最不坚定的成员国来确定联盟是否牢固。Experiments show that many plants tolerate a wide range of light conditions.实验表明很多植物能够忍受很宽范围强度的光照条件。After full heat treatment, the alloy proved to be five times as strong as the pure aluminium.经过全面的热处理,这种合金证实强度是纯铝的五倍。A seismograph is a device that measures and records the intensity of earthquakes.地震仪是用来测量并显示地震强度的装置。The strands of rubber were drawn to test their strength.橡皮条被拉紧以试验强度。The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.心脏监测仪可以测出脉搏跳动的强度。Coaching staff have no plans to ease back on training.教练组不打算降低训练强度。Water-based paints and inks can be diluted in order to vary colour strengths.水溶性颜料和油墨可以进行稀释以呈现不同的色彩强度。Its brightness showed slight variations in intensity, though its general shape remained unchanged.虽然它的形状没有改变,但其光亮强度有微小差异。Speech is made up of sound waves that vary in frequency and intensity.语音是由不同频率和强度的声波组成的。Richter invented the scale by which we measure the severity of earthquakes.里克特发明人们用以测量地震强度的震级。The plastic was necessary because cardboard casing did not have the required strength.塑料是必须的,因为硬纸板外壳材料达不到强度要求。He checked the strength of the cables.他检查了一下钢索的强度。But everyone I know who kept it up at that intensity is burnt out.我所认识的每个一直保持那种强度的人都劳累过度。Diffusing a light also reduces its power.使光线发生漫射也会降低其强度。The cross-examination increased in intensity.盘问的强度加大了。The large number of moderate earthquakes that have occurred recently could presage a larger quake soon.最近多次发生中等强度的地震预示着可能很快就会发生更强烈的地震。In medium winds, the plane remained stable.在中等强度气流中,飞机保持平稳飞行。We know that prolonged exposure to vibration can weaken aircraft components.我们知道,长时间处在震动状态下会降低飞机零件的强度。The intensity of the sound diminished gradually.声音的强度逐渐减弱。The material has exceptionally high strength for its weight.这种材料的质量强度比格外高。Depending on the intensity of the deforming forces the folds may be gentle, sharp, overturned, or overthrust.根据变形力的强度,褶皱可以是平缓的、陡峭的、倒转的,或逆掩的。You can use a filter of the opposite colour over the lens, provided that you know the strength and exact hue of the colour cast.你可以在镜头外加用相反色调的滤光镜,不过你得了解偏色强度和精确的色度。The team had a hard workout this morning.该队今天早晨进行了大强度训练。Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field.它的振动幅度取决于引力场的强度。The work was gruelling because there was no let-up.那份工作很累人,因为强度一直很高。It is made of steel for lightness and strength.为了分量轻、强度大,制造时使用了钢。 |