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词汇 pole
例句 A dark green ivy plant twined around the pole.一条深绿色的常春藤缠绕着柱子。The pole was just long enough to reach the top window.这竿子正好够长伸到最上面的那扇窗。The north pole is slightly tipped towards the sun.北极略微向太阳倾斜。Two buckets hung from a bamboo pole across his shoulders.他肩上的一根竹扁担上吊着一对水桶。He tried to extract his pole from the mud.他努力把竿子从泥里拔出来。We can hear English spoken from pole to pole.我们在世界各处都能听到人们讲英语。I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. 我不想与此有任何瓜葛。He let go of the pole and let it fall.他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了。Mother stretched a clothesline from a tree to a pole.妈妈从树干到电线杆拉了一根晾衣绳。The pole-vaulter narrowly cleared the bar. 撑竿跳选手擦身越过了横杆。She's rather low on the company's totem pole. 她在公司的职位相当低。The athlete's third attempt at pole vaulting was a fiasco. He broke the pole and his leg.运动员的第三次撑竿跳尝试结果是个大失败,他折断了竿子和他的腿。He reached up with a hooked pole to roll down the metal shutter.他用带钩的杆子把金属百叶窗拉了下来。Using a pole, he pushed the boat away from the shore.他用一根长长的篙,将船撑离了河滩。I was pole-axed. I couldn't take it in.我完全懵住了,无法明白。A battery has both a positive pole and a negative pole.电池有正负两极。The car hit the pole and then cartwheeled across the road.汽车撞到柱子上,猛地翻到了马路对面。The punter moves the boat along with a pole.撑船人用篙撑着船前行。The pressure of his job nearly drove him up the pole.工作压力都快把他逼疯了。He started as the low man on the totem pole and worked his way up to be manager.他从基层做起,辛勤的工作终于使他升任经理。The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.磁北极位于地北极的西面。A sloop has only one central pole.单桅帆船只有一个中央桅杆。My nephew wants me to invest in his business, but frankly I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.我侄子想让我在他的公司里投资,但是坦白地说,我不想与他有瓜葛。He injured his left foot while attempting a pole vault.他在试图进行撑竿跳高时伤了左脚。The pole lay in shards on the pavement.杆子碎成一段段地倒在人行道上。The meridian is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole.子午线是从极点到极点的一条假想线。You need a long pole with a hook at one end.你需要一根一头有钩子的长竿。She has travelled from pole to pole.她已经走遍天下了。He won the pole position by having the fastest qualifying time.他在排位赛中以最好成绩赢得了首发位置。His action has put us up the pole.他的行为弄得我们十分尴尬。She won silver in the pole vault for Australia.她为澳大利亚赢得了一枚撑竿跳高银牌。I bought a fishing pole/rod and some fishing line.我买了一根钓鱼竿和一些钓鱼线。The singer is in pole position in this week's music chart.在本周的音乐榜上,那位歌手排名领先。Barcelona are in pole position in the league table.巴塞罗那队在联赛成绩排名表中名次领先。We strung the line from pole to pole.我们把绳拉在两根竿子之间。That investment is too risky. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.那项投资太冒险了,我决不参与。The German company retained a pole position in hormone research.这家德国公司在激素研究方面保持有利地位。The flag pole wouldn't stay upright.旗杆总是立不直。He steadied the wobbling pole with one hand.他用一只手稳住摇晃的杆子。Sitting pole-axed on the sofa, Mahoney stared in astonishment.马哈尼一动不动地坐在沙发上,目瞪口呆地盯着看。




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