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词汇 楼梯
例句 She missed her footing and fell headlong down the stairs.她一脚踩空,头朝下摔下了楼梯He was standing at the top of the stairs.他站在楼梯顶端。I followed her down the stair.我跟着她下了楼梯Sometimes I get dizzy at the top of staircases and escalators.有时我在楼梯或自动扶梯的顶端会发晕。He made a misstep and fell down the stairs.他失足从楼梯上摔了下来。Suddenly the light went out and the narrow stairs were plunged into darkness.灯突然熄灭了,狭窄的楼梯陷入一片黑暗之中。The stairs are fitted with a handrail for safety.为保证安全,楼梯上装了扶手。She came bounding down the stairs.她蹦跳着下了楼梯He's waiting at the bottom of the stairs.他正在楼梯底下等着。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables.有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。She tore across the lobby, then up three flights of stairs.她快速跑过大厅,再跑上三段楼梯A pretty young girl came hurtling down the stairs.一个漂亮的小女孩从楼梯上冲下来。I ran up the stairs.我跑上了楼梯Stella came thumping down the stairs.斯特拉蹬蹬地下了楼梯I hit him back and he somersaulted down the stairs.我还手打了他,他顺着楼梯滚了下去。The stairs creaked as I went down.我下楼时楼梯吱吱作响。I eventually found the place, and dashed up the stairs.我终于找到了那地方,于是冲上了楼梯He ascended the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom.他登上狭窄的楼梯到他的卧室去。She fell down the stairs.她从楼梯上摔下来。A spiral staircase descends to the lower ground floor.螺旋式楼梯向下延伸至底层。He heard the slow, heavy tramp of feet on the stairs.他听到楼梯上传来缓慢沉重的脚步声。He tripped and went head over heels down the steps.他绊了一下,头朝下摔下了楼梯She took the stairs at a run.她跑上了楼梯Jordan waited for her at the bottom of the stairs.乔丹在楼梯底下等她。Both men crashed against the staircase, which collapsed under their combined weight.两人都掉到了楼梯上,其重量加在一起把楼梯压塌了。The presence of stairs in the ruins implies an upper floor.废墟中楼梯的存在意味着上面曾有一层楼。We had to navigate several flights of stairs to find his office.我们不得不攀上好几层楼梯才找到他的办公室。I was breathless after climbing the stairs.爬完楼梯后我就上气不接下气了。The stairs were carpeted.楼梯上铺著地毯。He sat at the bottom of the stairs.他坐在最下面一层楼梯上。The top step squeaks when you step on it.楼梯最上面的一阶踩上去吱吱作响。The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns.楼梯油漆成金色和土褐色。The stairs lead above to the bedrooms.顺着楼梯上去就是卧室。I felt the call of nature and so I stumbled down the external staircase to the evil-smelling loo.我感到内急,于是就踉踉跄跄地从外面的楼梯跑到臭气熏天的厕所。The stairs descended into the tunnel.楼梯向下通入地道。Steep stairs may leave you giddy and faint.陡直的楼梯会让人头晕目眩。The banisters were replastered with decorated mouldings picked out in gold.楼梯的扶手用醒目的金色线条重新装饰了一遍。All at once he was tumbling down a flight of stairs.正当时,他就从楼梯翻滚而下。Climbing up the long staircase to his office quite puffed me out.爬那长楼梯到他办公室去弄得我气喘吁吁。He clumped down the narrow stairs.他拖着沉重的步子从狭窄的楼梯上下来。




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