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词汇 楼下
例句 I heard whispers downstairs.我听见楼下有窃窃私语的声音。Sounds of merriment came from downstairs.楼下传来欢笑声。Did you put the lights out downstairs?你把楼下的灯关了吗?John, are you awake? I think I heard someone downstairs.约翰,你醒着吗?我好像听到楼下有人。The old man downstairs was ill, so Linda said she'd go shopping for him.楼下的老人病了,所以琳达说她可以去代他购物。John lives on the top floor and Julie lives on the floor below.约翰住顶楼,朱莉住在他楼下Hey, shut up down there! We're trying to sleep.喂,楼下的人闭嘴!我们要睡觉。Sounds of voices and commotion could be heard downstairs now.现在能听见楼下传来的各种说话声和骚乱声。She stretched her neck to look down the stairs.她伸着脖子朝楼下看。She slept downstairs in order not to disturb him.为了不给他添麻烦,她睡在了楼下She was just starting to drift off, when she heard a scream downstairs.她迷迷糊糊正要入睡,突然听到楼下有尖叫声。The downstairs consisted of three large rooms.楼下有三个大房间。Harry didn't mean to upset you. Now dry your eyes and come back downstairs.哈里不是故意惹你生气。好了,擦干眼泪回到楼下吧。I'll remodel the downstairs bedroom first.我先要装修楼下那间房间。Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.烧菜的气味从楼下飘了上来。I found myself in a wide gallery looking down on the floor below.我发现自己已不知不觉来到了一个可以俯视楼下的宽敞廊台上。I won't get a wink of sleep with that noise downstairs.楼下这么吵,我一点儿也睡不着。He could hear the others downstairs in different parts of the house calling his name.他听到其他人从楼下不同地方喊他的名字。A downstairs window was brilliantly illuminated by a streetlamp.楼下的窗户被路灯照得很亮。He heard a noise downstairs and was out of bed like a shot.他听到楼下有动静,就马上起了床。Downstairs there's a breakfast room and guests can relax in the cosy bar.楼下有一个早餐间,宾客们可以在温馨的酒吧间休息一下。He drove home and parked up in the garage underneath the apartment.他开车回家后把车停在寓所楼下的车库里。There was a distinct smell of burning coming from downstairs.楼下飘来浓烈的焦糊味。He was in an argument with his landlord downstairs.他与楼下的房东发生了争执。They heard furious knocking coming from downstairs.他们听到楼下传来的剧烈的叩击声。The children in the rooms below and above are very noisy.楼下和楼上那几个房间里的孩子们喧闹不堪。The sound of a flute wafted down the stairs.长笛的声音飘到了楼下They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent's that expensive.他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。She woke with a jump, hearing a noise downstairs.她听到楼下有声音,一下子醒了。There's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room.楼下女洗手间旁边有个消防出口。Downstairs, the builders have dug and concreted the foundations of a new supporting wall.楼下,建筑工人们已经挖开并用混凝土浇筑了一面新支承墙的地基。In the middle of the night, I was woken by a loud noise downstairs.半夜的时候,我被楼下一个很大的声音吵醒。She could hear her downstairs neighbour moving around.她能听见楼下的邻居在走动。Downstairs, on the second floor, Michael served Mona breakfast.楼下的二层,迈克尔为莫娜端上了早餐。We've managed to wangle her a flat below us.我们略施小计给她弄到了我们楼下的一套房子。We heard a commotion downstairs and ran down to see what was happening.我们听到楼下一阵喧闹,于是跑下去看个究竟。Have you checked downstairs yet?你查看过楼下吗? Downstairs the gong pealed a call to lunch.楼下锣声响起,通告午饭时间已到。We found nothing amiss downstairs.我们没发现楼下有什么异常。I can hear someone moving around downstairs!我能听到楼下有人在四处走动!




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