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词汇 楼房
例句 The windows play a prominent part in the design of the building.窗户在楼房设计中起着重要的作用。The bottom floor of the building is for nonresidential use and the top two floors have apartments.这个楼房的底层不用于居住,最上面两层有公寓。All the buildings here look monotonously alike.这儿所有的楼房看上去都是千篇一律。The masonry of the old building began to crumble.楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。State officials have condemned buildings in the area.州政府官员宣告这个地区的楼房不能居住。Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti.新老楼房上满是密密麻麻的涂鸦。Many buildings and cars had been damaged in the blast.许多楼房和汽车在爆炸中受损。They came across a building set aback amidst the trees.他们偶然发现了树林后面的一幢楼房Repairs on that building are long overdue.那栋楼房早该修缮了。The architecture is harmonious and no building is over five or six floors high.这里的建筑风格和谐统一,没有哪座楼房高于五六层。They're refitting the building with hardwood floors.他们正在为这幢楼房改装硬木地板。They bought a Colonial on a quiet street.他们买了一栋位于一条安静街道上的美国殖民地时期风格的两层楼房You enter the drab office building half-expecting it to be abandoned.进入那幢死气沉沉的办公大楼时几乎以为这是幢废弃的楼房She was saved by a policeman who had managed to edge gradually closer to her dangling body.她被一名警察救了,这名警察设法沿着楼房边缘逐渐接近她悬吊着的身体。As the buildings rocked under heavy shellfire, he took refuge in the cellars.当一座座楼房在猛烈的炮火中颤动摇晃时,他躲进了地下室。Such buildings are inflexible and inconvenient for their users.这样的楼房设计非常死板,给住户带来了不便。The farmyard was well sheltered with buildings on three sides.这个农家院三面都有楼房,遮得很严实。Their new two-storey house had been reduced to ashes in the fire.他们新的两层楼房被火烧成灰烬。Residents were ordered to evacuate the building.居民们被命令撤出那栋楼房As the buildings rocked under heavy shell-fire, he took refuge in the cellars.楼房在猛烈的炮火中颤动时,他躲进了地下室。She lives on the second floor of a five-story building.她住在一栋五层楼房的第二层。The building was restored at great expense.这个楼房的修复耗费了大量资金。A wall collapsed while the building was under construction.楼房还在施工时一堵墙塌了。I'll just block in the main buildings.我就画个主要楼房的草图。Squatters insist that without their work, the buildings would have deteriorated to the point of being unusable.擅自占房者坚称,如果没有他们,这些楼房说不定已经破烂得不能使用了。The building was of greyish plaster and looked old.楼房表面是浅灰色的灰泥,看起来很旧。Buildings that had gotten hit by bombs had still not been repaired.遭炸弹袭击的楼房还没有得到修缮。I have been approached regarding the possibility of selling the building to a startup company.有人已经找我谈过,问我是否有可能把这栋楼房卖给一家新创办的公司。Firefighters plucked the child from the top floor of the burning building.消防员从着火的楼房顶层抢救出那个孩子。State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.州政府官员称法庭判决为宣布该地区楼房为危房的行动扫清了道路。The bracing supporting the building is perfectly adequate.这幢楼房的支撑结构非常牢固。A lot of the city's buildings are accidents waiting to happen.该城市中许多楼房都存在事故隐患。The decrepit building was badly in need of repair.这幢破旧的楼房迫切需要修缮。The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings.爆炸的冲力震碎了几栋楼房的玻璃窗。The proposed building would detract from the character of the surrounding area.拟建中的楼房将会破坏周边地区的特色。Dozens of people were trapped in the rubble when the building collapsed.楼房倒塌,很多人被困在了瓦砾下面。The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea.马路对面那幢巨大的楼房挡住了我们看海的视线。Armed police quickly surrounded the building.武装警察迅速包围了这幢楼房We drove slowly past the gutted buildings.我们开车慢慢地经过一幢幢破败的楼房




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