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词汇 poet
例句 We must go behind the poet's words to see what he really means.我们必须推敲诗人的字句才能明白他真正的意思是什么。On his desk there stood a bust of his favorite poet.他的写字台上放著他最喜爱的诗人的半身像。The wife of a famous poet, she had literary ambitions of her own. 作为著名诗人的夫人,她也有自己的文学梦。The crowd cheered as Premier Wayne Goss unveiled a lifesize statue of poet Banjo Paterson.韦恩·戈斯州长揭开诗人巴尼奥·佩特森的等身塑像时,人群欢呼起来。The poet wrings the last drop of meaning from every word.那位诗人把每个词都用到了极致,哪怕一丁点的意思也不放过。There was no rival to him as a poet.作为诗人,无人可与他媲美。Eliot argued that it should be the poetry, not the poet's personality, that is the center of attention.艾略特认为,注意的焦点应该是诗歌,而不是诗人的个性。I like her both as a poet and as a novelist.我既喜欢她的诗,又喜欢她的小说。You could categorize her as a poet who writes fiction.你可以把她归类为写小说的诗人。Jim Morrison was a poet as well as a singer.吉姆·莫里森不仅是一名歌手,还是一位诗人。Ben Okri is a Nigerian-born poet and novelist.本·奥克利是出生于尼日利亚的诗人和小说家。Rush is a poet and writer of fiction.拉什是一位诗人及小说作家。If you want to be a poet, you must evolve your own style of writing.你如果想成为一名诗人,就必须逐步形成自己的写作风格。Blake is better remembered as a poet than as a painter.布莱克作为诗人比作为画家更出名。Love should no longer be the sole province of the poet.爱情应该不再是诗人的独有领域。Goethe's first fully Classical work was written in emulation of the love poet Catullus.歌德的第一部纯古典作品仿效了爱情诗人卡图卢斯的风格。I don't really want to be a poet, dramatist, or whatever.我并不真想当诗人,剧作家,或其他诸如此类的人。He is not a Victorian curiosity,but a highly original poet.他不是维多利亚式的老古董,而是富有独创性的诗人。Her very first book marked her as a great poet. 她的第一本书就显示出了她伟大诗人的气质。The poet may once in a while pause and polish.那诗人间或会驻笔润色一番。What was meant by the poet?这个诗人要表达什么?In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.在今天的评论栏目中,安东尼‧爱德华兹——著名的剧作家、诗人、小说家和语言大师——将为我们讲述他光辉的事业。The poet's family owns the publishing rights to all his books.那位诗人的家人拥有他所有诗集的出版权。He works as a cook but thinks of himself as a poet manqué.他是一名厨师,却认为自己本应成为一位诗人。I shall evermore cherish the memory of the patriotic poet.我将永远怀念这位爱国诗人。People were familiar with the soundness of the poet's taste.人们熟悉这位诗人风格的保守性。He is a poet, after a fashion.他是个蹩脚诗人。I know of her as a poet but not as a novelist. 我知道她是个诗人,但不知道她是小说家。It is always at the back of my mind to be a poet.我心底里一直想当诗人。At first the eager young poet was a partisan of the Revolution.刚开始时,这个热情的年轻诗人是大革命的支持者。This biography does great honour to the poet's achievements.这部传记为诗人的成就增光添彩。He writes beautifully, as befits a poet.他文笔优美,适合当诗人。Alvin met the poet Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and confidante.阿尔文遇见诗人休斯,成了毕生的朋友和知己。As a man with a practical mind, he can't understand his son's desire to be a poet.他讲究实际,不能理解儿子想当诗人的志愿。The concept of the Rose continued to inform the poet's work.玫瑰的概念持续贯穿于诗人的作品中。The poet recited some of her recent poems.诗人朗诵了她最近写的几首诗。Some people think that rhyme and metre hamper the poet's free expression.有人认为韵律束缚了诗人的自由发挥。He came to Paris and found his true destiny as a poet.他来到巴黎,命中注定成为一个诗人。The poet Arthur Rimbaud led a short but extremely eventful life.诗人阿尔蒂尔·兰波的一生非常短暂,但经历极为丰富。He conceits himself already a poet.他已以诗人自诩。




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